Chapter 5

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2 weeks later....

Mew's relationship with Gulf is getting closer. Gulf loves Mew more than he loves his own girlfriend. Wherever Gulf goes, Mew always accompanies him. Even the people around him almost forgot the existence of his beautiful girlfriend, Fay. Making Fay burn with jealousy. Holding a secret grudge to separate Mew from Gulf.

Mew is getting more and more spoiled for Gulf, and Gulf likes him very much. Because he is always with him everywhere, Gulf can more or less understand Mew's language when he becomes a cat.

Today, all day at the office, Mew is always attached to Gulf. Like when Gulf was sitting in his oversized chair focusing on documents, Mew climbed onto his thighs, rubbed his body against Gulf's stomach and turned his face to face Gulf in silence. Gulf, who felt he was being watched, looked down at Mew and rubbed his head gently. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that, hmm?"

"Meowwww = play with me-nyan" Next to his paw poked Gulf's stomach.


"....." Shake head.


"Meow = Right" Licking his paw.

"I'm busy, Mew . You played with my assistant first, okay?" He rubbed his head gently and received a cynical look from his cat. Immediately Mew got off his lap in annoyance and walked towards the slightly ajar door. "Don't be mad at me, na. Tonight I will take you to play" Mew ignored his words who had left the door. "Hahh, that's all there is. Usually he just eats and sleeps, he wants to play." Continuing his work.

Mew, who was still annoyed, continued to walk to the door of the company lobby. His feet continued to walk towards a rather quiet park. Climb onto one of the park benches and sit there. In his heart, he kept cursing at his master who didn't want to play with him at all. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. "Hahh.. my mood that was good, turned bad. If he doesn't want to play with me, why does he want to take care of me? I'm tired because my routine is always the same. Eat, sleep, and defecate, I need rest, I need entertainment -nyan" He scratched the bench, channeling his annoyance.

Before long, two big men came up to him. Carrying a net in his medium-sized hand. As Mew watched them getting closer with a sinister look, Mew backed away in fear.

In the midst of that he heard Fay's voice shouting, "Arrest him immediately. Don't let him escape!!"

"Damn it, the grandmother wants to kill me-nyan. I have to run away" At that instant Mew ran in the opposite direction at high speed. The two men chased and kept trying to catch Mew who was in front of him with a net, but didn't even get hit because of Mew's agile body.

"Come here naughty cat, we will give you whiskas" Takes whiskas out of his bag to lure Mew.

"You think I'm a cat that you can lure with cheap food like that" Mew entered the lobby of the company, but the two men behind her were still chasing after him until they entered. The security guard who tried to prevent them was simply ignored.

Seeing the two men still chasing him, without thinking Mew ran to the emergency exit and climbed the stairs as high as he could. "SHIT!! GIVE YOU UP, it's tiring.. MY FAT IS SO HUGE!! YOU KNOW DIET!"

"Excuse me sir, sorry if I'm presumptuous, did you call people to arrest Mew ?"

"WHAT?? NO! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Stand up hitting the table.

"There are two men who are chasing and want to catch Mew, sir. They ran all the way to the top-----" Before finishing his sentence, Gulf immediately ran as hard as he could to leave him. He slammed the door to his room and got into his private elevator to the roof.

"Where are you going now, naughty cat? Come with us. We promise to take good care of you." The closer he got to Mew , Mew retreated further and further until he reached the building divider.

Looking back and getting frustrated because there is no distance at all for him to retreat again. "Sob.. I don't want to die"

sob.. sob..

"I don't want to be caught by these two people" Mew's legs trembled, followed by his whole body when she saw them advancing.

To note, the Roof is on the 25th floor, making anyone sure to die if they accidentally fall from there. Fay, who followed them using the elevator, was already not far from them, just watching it with a triumphant smile.

Seeing the two men begin to lift their nets together, Mew reflexively closed her eyes tightly and his foot slipped. "Die die die" With both hands trying to support his half-fallen body. "Is this the end of my life? How sad" Knowing that his body had reached its limit, Mew closed his eyes and at that moment his hand went limp, making his grip on the barrier completely released. Feeling that his body didn't hit anything, Mew opened his eyes again. "Am I already in heaven? Why are all the buildings upside down in heaven?!" He furrowed his brows in confusion.

In fact, Gulf wasn't late and immediately caught Mew's leg, making Mew's head down and his feet up. He immediately grabbed him and hugged him very tightly.

"Hiksss... Mewww... I think I will really miss you hikssssssss," Staring sharply at the two people in front of him as if to eat him alive, "YOU GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW, FUCK!!" Rising to his feet without letting go of his arms and walking past Fay who was silent.


Gulf took Mew to his room and sat on the sofa. Seeing Mew 's body still shaking made Gulf feel very guilty.

"Sorry, na. I was almost too late to save you, calm down, you are safe with me now"

"Meow = Thank you" Rubbing his head against Gulf's body. Gulf picked him up and kissed him all over his face very sincerely.


After kissing the nose, a bright light immediately shot out of Mew 's body, making Gulf reflexively close his eyes in shock without letting go of his grip. The small arm that Gulf was holding turned into a human arm. Yes, Mew changed her form into a human. This time without the cat's tail and ears. Really looks like a real human. And don't forget how he looks at the moment, stark naked.

"Mew? Y-You?" Covering his choked mouth. His eyes autofocus on Mew's cute appearance.

While Mew froze. "I changed? EE-EEHHHH??! HOW COULD-NYAN?" His eyes widened in shock at what was happening to him right now while pointing his index finger at himself.

"WHAT'S A SIGN YOU'RE ALREADY A WHOLE HUMAN BEING, MY SWEET CAT?" Immediately hugged Mew 's slender waist tightly. In the midst of the opportunity to squeeze Mew's lump of smooth white chewy meat, it irritated him and pushed Gulf away.

"You're so perverted man. Stay away from me 5 meters" Glancing sharply.

"Don't be like that, naaa... sorry, I was happy and did it unconsciously"

Smiling slyly as he opened his jacket and wrapped Mew's smooth shoulders that looked seductive.

"There are pants in my room, I'll get them later" He hugged Mew again. "My wife doesn't turn into a cat anymore, I'm glad" Smiling.

"Wife? Since when did I agree to it, Master" Hiding his blushing face.

"Since this moment?" Raised one eyebrow and caught Mew 's face and then smashed the soft lip with lust.

The room that was silent before, is now filled with the roar of the breath and sighs of the two people who are intoxicated with love.


The End

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