Main character: "Zylo" Pronunciation: (Sounds what it looks like.)
Some Info: A vivamal of the wolf clan. He tries to fit in with human society while balancing the learning of his blood line.
Outfit Description: School Uniform: Largely consisting of white, the uniform does have blue streaks on the side of the sleeves and on the side of the pants as well. There's a black collared undershirt that goes along with it as well.
Physical Description: Height: 5'4 Ice blue Hair, dull red eyes, and tan skin with a skinny body build.
Other Physical Description: Height:5'4? Ice Blue fur, red eye's, head,gets a tail, and legs become more wolf-like.
Quote:"Whether it's night time or day time, good things can happen at anytime, anywhere."
Side character : "Gynome" Pronunciation: Gy-gnome
Some Info: Zylo's friend from highschool, noticeably smart but could build up on his social skills.
Outfit Description: School Uniform: Same Uniform that Zylo wears but chooses to leave it unbuttoned revealing the black collared undershirt.
Physical Description: Height: 5'6 Sleek black hair that mostly covers his deep blue eyes, and pale skin with an average body build.
Quote:"I live everyday as any other day."
Side character: "Sciga" Pronunciation: Sai-guh
Some Info : A young female middle school student that's extremely obsessed with everything relating to science. Can sometimes obsess too much about science to the point that no one around her is actually listening to what she is saying.
Quote:"You do realize no matter what, science takes a part in everything?"
Side character:"Repth" Pronunciation:(I don't know, just try and say it out loud to yourself.) ^_^
Some Info: A vivamal of the fox clan. She is cunning because of her bloodline, but alongside that she can tend to be stubborn and easily angered. Prefers to strictly follow her bloodlines traditions and not to any others.
Quote:"You, can't change me for I am only myself."
Side character:"Nerrodar"
Pronunciation: Near-row-darSome Info: A friend of Repth's. Supposedly has the best pair of eyes in the fox vivamal clan. He's got a carefree attitude and gladly listens to whatever Repth says. Gives comments about alot of what she or others say including another's action.
Quote:"I'm just a casual guy. With regular needs."
??? Character:"Ravillian"
Some Info: ???
Quote:"We learn to adapt, but what it is? Is fear being hidden to the human eye's."
Side Character:"Mr.Tentallo"
Some Info: A school teacher at the school both Gynome and Zylo go to. A vivamal as well a philosopher and a historian of his kind.
Quote:"History can repeat, as well it can change."
Lifes Intertwining
RandomImagine a world where animals have evolved over many generations being able to disguise their selves as one of us while we live our lives as we always have in modern day. These animals are known as vivamals, they come from blood lines of various ani...