1. The night princess

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I stopped on the same hill I sat every night, after my usual night walk. It was a hill outside of Ponyville. From it, you had a good look over the town.

I breathe in the fresh night air and as I sat down, I looked at the night sky. I loved the night more than anything. Actually, it was the only thing I loved about this further sad and miserable world. My life felt like a living nightmare, but at least the night was something I enjoyed. Still tho, I wanted to mean something, have a reason to live. I wanted to make others happy, make their lives better. But I was useless. Who would want to be friends with someone like me? I would only be in the way. I sighed and got lost in my thoughts.


My youth wasn't a very happy one. I was still a little filly, as I attended flight school. Just as Fluttershy, a filly in my class, I was very shy, which made this first day very tensive. Being visually impaired didn't make this first day any easier. I had very bad eyesight on one eye and couldn't see depth. This also caused me to have bad coördination.

I stood on a cloud and anxiously looked around me, as other ponies started to show off their tricks. I didn't want to be like that, bragging with how well I could fly and showing off all the tricks I could do. I just wanted to learn how to fly well like other pegasi, then focus on what really mattered to me; making a difference in this world.

'Lucid Dream, it's your turn! Lucid Dream, hello! Are you there?'

I got pulled out of my thoughts. I shook my head then regained my full focus, looking at what was before me.

'I'm s-sorry teacher' I stuttered. 'I-I'm not sure if I can do it.'

'Of course you can, dear.'.

I heard some other ponies shout supportingly. This gave me the courage to fly. I set my hooves on the cloud in a starting position, held me wings in the air and flapped them. Then I took off. Sadly, it went wrong very quickly.

As I zigzagged between clouds, I got more confident. I'm doing it, I'm really doing it! It doesn't that I'm visually impaired, I can be like everyone else. But then I bumped into a cloud that was closer than I thought. I had gone off of the parkour I was flying. While I went through the cloud I lost complete sight of where I was, and fell. I screamed in fear. The teacher quickly came to my rescue and brought me back to the safeness of the clouds.

I looked down in shame. Three ponies started laughing at me, calling me blind for not seeing that cloud, and slowly, more started to join them.

After class Fluttershy came to me.

'Don't listen to them,' she said softly 'I think you did great!."

I gave her a faint smile. After that day, I kept getting bullied. Fluttershy was the only one who was kind to me and we became friends.

Though I was still not a great flier, I had to pay attention to make sure I kept flying straight, I finished flight school. Me and Fluttershy lost touch after I left. The bullying however, didn't end there, and my shyness quickly turned into anxiety.

I was always kind and helpful towards others. At least, that's what I tried to be. I often bumped into other ponies on accident, due to my lack of seeing depth, and would apologize for that. However, others started to get more and more annoyed by this. And even when I tried to help others, it went wrong. Which made them shout at me. None of my classmates wanted to be friends with me, and during break, I was often to be found alone.

I grew more and more isolated, and by this time, my anxiety had grown so bad I avoided every possibility I had of meeting anypony, leading up to where I am now; living in a house close to the Everfree forest. It was a house made of wood, looking pretty dark, a bit like a haunted house. Nopony ever came here, and I preferred it that way.

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