Chapter 2 - Found

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Author's Note: In which Anakin meets Vader, Luke, and Leia. :)

~ Amina Gila

Anakin doesn't think he's ever been in a stranger situation than this. Time travel? Seriously? He's dealt with stranger things, or so he tries to tell himself because that would make it less weird.

"Captured she has been?" Master Yoda asks over the hologram.

"Yes, Master Yoda," Anakin confirms, "And we had... an encounter."

"Encounter, you say?"

"Yes," he confirms, casting a wary glance towards the completely motionless Sith standing much too close to him. Strangely enough, despite the icy darkness swirling around him, his presence is... calming. It resonates deep inside Anakin, calling to something in his soul itself, so yes, he is wary. "We believe we have found the true culprit, and... we met a Sith. He insists he time-traveled."

Vader is looking at him now, and he pretends to not be the least bit intimidated.

"He has his... children with him."

"His truthfulness remains to be seen," Master Plo adds. Anakin holds back his protests; no one will want to hear them, anyway. He's certain Vader speaks the truth, though. There is no evidence, but Anakin can feel it.

"We're taking them back to the Temple," Anakin reports. "My padawan is here as well."

"Good," Master Windu replies, after exchanging a long look with the Grandmaster.

They leave it at that, and Anakin pointedly tries to ignore the way he feels the twins staring at him whenever he's not looking at them. Or even when he is. It's ridiculous how nervous he is. He's fought in battles before, and he can't handle this? He's fought Sith before, and Vader doesn't feel dangerous. Maybe that's precisely the problem; he's a Sith, and he shouldn't feel safe. He shouldn't feel like home.

He and Ahsoka haven't spoken at all. They haven't had a chance to. They... have much to discuss, and Anakin doesn't know what to think about this anymore. He was supposed to be her master. He was supposed to protect her, but he failed her, just like he failed his mother, only she's still alive. He should have protected her from all of this, and he should have trained her better. She shouldn't have run.

It was Vader, in the end, who saved her, who helped her, when Anakin didn't, and it makes him sick. Everyone does a better job caring for each other, for their familie,s than he does. He – he doesn't understand it. Why has he never been able to help when that's all he's ever wanted?

At first, the ride is quiet. Ahsoka glances at Anakin a few times but doesn't speak. She could have if she wanted to, and maybe that's it. She doesn't want to. Maybe she shouldn't. He tries to cut his spiraling thoughts there, because logically, he knows Ahsoka would never do that to him. She would never leave him even if she was upset. Not her. He fights back the urge to touch her, to hold her hand, to... something. Just to make sure she's okay, to remind himself that she's here and safe at his side.

Leia finally shifts in her seat, pulling out a small circular droid, turning it on. It beeps, flying into the air, hovering in front of her, and she grins adorably. "Hey, Lola," she chirps to the brightly-colored toy, "I'm sure you know who this is a younger version of!"

Ahsoka looks up, seeming almost amused as the droid beeps at her.

"And that's ... you know!" Luke adds, leaning closer to the droid, not so discreetly motioning to Anakin.

It's – what he thought is true, isn't it? These are versions of his children.

They're – they're every bit what Anakin imagined it would be like, not that it's something he's ever given much thought too. Marrying Padme was one thing, but he knew so long as he stayed in the Order, they could never have more than that.

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