The Quiet One

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“You know this is not my scene… I’m only doing this because it’s your birthday!” Gaby muttered.

Gaby was anything but pleased at that exact moment; she was 10 seconds away from having an anxiety attack. There we too many people surrounding her for her liking. The music was extremely loud, there were girls wearing skimpy little dresses and guys running around behind them like lost puppy. It was sad, really sad indeed. She was still trying to figure out how exactly Jen had convinced her to go out with her to celebrate her 21st birthday. Okay… maybe she was a party pooper, she was probably the only 21 year old that didn’t go out and get trashed for her 21st birthday, but that was truly not her style. She would rather stay home, read a good book, order some Thai food and watch a kick-ass hockey game… but hey! That was just her.

“Have some fun! Let’s enjoy this night!” Jen shouted over the loud music dancing to the music.

Gaby felt guilty, it was her best friends birthday and here she was acting like old-cat lady, she really needed to let loose a bit.

“Fine… let’s have some fun” Gabby shouted over the loud music, trying to muster as much enthusiasm as possible.

With that last statement, Jen pulled her out to the dance floor.


Cam looked around at the busy nightclub, the guys had decided they wanted to go out and hit the town; they had the day off and didn’t have practice the next morning. Cam wasn’t too excited about going out, but he couldn’t really say no to the fellas and besides there was nothing waiting for him at his apartment, he had nothing to lose.

The club was packed, it didn’t help that it was a Saturday night, he had been there for less than hour and he had already lost count of the amount of girls that had come up to him, recognizing who he was. Times like this, he wished he wasn’t such a recognizable figure. He tried to blend in as much as he could, but half of the time it really didn’t work. He wouldn’t mind if the girls that had came up to him were genuinely interested in talking to him, but no… they were more interested in trying to get with him for his money and the recognition that came with being involved with a hockey player. He loved his job, but times like these, he really disliked the added bonus it came with.

“Dude! Look at the hotties around here!” His teammate Luke spoke to him, trying to be heard over the deafening music.

Cam laughed, Luke compared to him love the attention the ladies gave him due to his profession, he was a definitely a ladies man.

“Look at the girl over there by the bar, to the left the tall one.” Luke pointed out.

Cam looked at the direction his friend guided him too; it was hard to figure out who he was talking about. The place was packed and there were a number of tall girls.

“Which of the 15 tall girls by the bar are you talking about?” Cam asked still facing the bar.

“The one with the white dress, she next to the smaller girl that looks like she’s ready to bolt at any minute. She’s hot man.” Luke added with out looking away from the girl that had peaked his interest for the night.

With that added description Cam once again looked out to find the girl that had Luke drooling, he spotted a relatively tall girl with a white dress, he looked to see if she was accompany by the girl Luke had said she looked like she was ready to bolt.

Cam finally set her eyes on the girl; she was indeed very pretty like Luke had proclaimed her to be. Yet, once Cam looked to her friend he felt like someone had punched him in the gut. She indeed looked really uncomfortable, she was probably not used to the club scene, and Cam couldn’t blame her it really wasn’t his sort of thing either. Yet, that wasn’t what had taken his breath away… the tall girl friend was stunning. Unlike her friend, she was small in stature, she had the sweetest looking face, she looked so innocent, she was beautiful…

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2011 ⏰

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