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Theo woke up abruptly from a bell ringing, he at first was confused about where he was at, before all the memories resurfaced back into his mind once again. He forgot, he was in Lombardy, Italy with his cousin Oliver.

"We're being called for dinner." A teen's voice called from behind the bathroom door. Theo was confused on whose voice he was hearing, instead he continued to lay in bed as he collected his thoughts.

Not even a second went by, before there was a knock against the door. Theo once again didn't even move from the bed, not even when the door was pushed open and a teen stepped inside. Theo sits up from his spot in bed, locking eyes with blue orbs. "We're being called for dinner." Elio spoke up once again.

"Mmm. Okay." Theo was still drowsy from his sleep, but he wasn't going to be rude and skip dinner. He was a guest here, and while he wanted to lay back in bed and skip dinner. He was taught better to never pass up on any food.

"Are you okay?" Elio questioned the man curiously as he stared at Theo who once again was lost in his thoughts as always. "What? Yes of course, sorry." Theo stretches his arms, before stepping out of the bed. "Do I look presentable?" Theo questions the boy, who at first was silent before he nodded his head. "You look fine." Elio mumbled while looking away from the man.

"Good." Theo patted his hair down, before opening the door. "Lead the way doll-face." The nickname made Elio look up in confusion, before slowly nodding his head. "Right of course.." His voice trailed off as he stepped out the room with Theo following close behind.


Elio was kind enough to wake Theo up the next morning, they were having breakfast outside and the only person that was missing was Oliver. Theo was sitting at the head of the small table, with Elio across from him.

Theo was drinking a glass of orange juice, before turning to his left to see Oliver at the door. "Wow. Look at this." Oliver was amazed with where they were having breakfast at. "Good morning." Theo greeted his cousin, who greeted him back with a pat on the shoulder.

"Back from the dead." Ezra joked with the man, making Oliver nod his head with a smile on his face. "Was I out that long?" He questioned Mr. Perlman. "It seemed like it, huh." Theo answered Oliver behind his glass of juice. "How are you?" Ezra questioned Oliver. 

"I.. Well rested now. Thank you." Oliver answered while piling up food on his plate. Elio was reaching over the table for a plate that he couldn't reach, Theo was the only one to notice and gently pushed the plate in his reach. 

"Would you like some expresso?" Ezra asked Oliver, who at first was going to say no but decided to say fuck it. "I would love some. Thank you very much." Annella pops back up with more food in her hand, only to be surprised to see Oliver in her seat, yet she didn't say anything. Theo was the only one to see the flash of surprise cross her face, before it dropped back into a smile.

"Did you gentleman recover from your trip?" She questions them with genuine concern. "I did. Yeah, big time." Oliver spoke up first. "I feel much more wide awake today." Theo added in, which made Annella smile at the man.

"I could show you around.." Elio jumped in the conversation. "That'd be great. Thank you." Theo thanked the boy, who shyly looked down back at his place with a small smile on his face.

"Is there a.. Is there a bank in town?" Oliver questioned the family. "I'd love to start an account while I'm here." Theo nodded his head in agreement, starting an account down here would be a great idea in case he came to visit once again on his own.

"None of our residents has ever had a local bank account." Ezra pointed out, surprising both the males. "Really?" Theo asked in shock, making Ezra nod his head. "Should I take them to Montodine?" Elio questions his father. "I think they're closed for summer vacation. Have you tried Crema?" Ezra asked.

"Are these your orchids?" Theo questions Annella with curiosity. "Oh yes." She beams at question. "They are lovely, I'm almost jealous." Theo joked with the woman, who giggled before continuing to tell him more about the orchids.


Theo was surprised that the Perlman's had a few bikes laying around, he at first thought that they were going to take the car, but riding a bike seemed much better for the environment and Theo did miss riding on a bike as he felt like the fresh air would be better than sitting in a car.

While riding the bikes, no one said a word. Theo didn't mind the silence since he wanted to look around at all the nature that they passed by. He could feel Elio look back at him to see if he was still following or not, while he took in the view of nature surrounding them.

They rode downtown and stopped at a small cafe, Oliver had went inside to use the bathroom. Leaving Theo and Elio outside to sit at a small table. "So, what does one do around here?" Theo started up a conversation with the teen, who was reading a book. "Wait for the summer to end." Elio answered with a bored tone.

"What do you do for winter? Wait for summer to come?" Theo asked another question. "Well, we only come here for Christmas and some other vacations. And Easter as well." By now Elio decided to put his book down, so he can face Theo.

"Christmas? I thought you... Thought you were Jewish?"  Theo was leaning back in his seat, while Elio answered his questions. "Well, we're Jewish, but also American, Italian, French. Somewhat atypical combination." Theo let out an impressed whistle.

"Besides my family, you and your cousin are probably the only other Jews to set foot in this town." Theo was impressed with how observant Elio was. "I'm from a small town of New England, I know what it's like to be the odd Jew out." Elio chuckles at the joke, before taking his sunglasses off.

"So, what do you do around here?" Theo questions the teen with a personal question. Elio shrugs while putting his glasses in his pocket. "Just read books. Transcribe music. Swim at the river. Go out at night. I don't know." Theo made sure to take notes in his head about Elio's interest.

"Sounds fun." Elio let out a small hum as a reply, before asking his own questions. "What do you do?" Elio wanted to know a little more about Theo, he was a interesting man who always stayed in the background but always had something to say.

"Well, I'm an author, and well. I had writer's block, before Oliver decided to drag me down here to Italy." Theo didn't say much since he thought that his life was a little boring. "Yeah I heard my dad talk about loving your last book, uh what was it called again." Elio tried to remember the book, before he snapped his fingers. "Maurice! Yeah you wrote that Maurice book, right?"

Theo chuckled before nodding his head. "Indeed I did." He was impressed that Elio remembered the book title somewhat. "I haven't read the book yet, but I heard from mutual's that it's one of your best selling novels yet." Theo was flattered by the compliment but waved it off.

"If you ever want to read the book, you can always ask me for a copy in case your father lost his."

"Wait, really?"

Theo nodded is head, before looking down at his watch. "Hm, well lets go get those papers that we came  here for, since Oliver seems to be taking his time." Elio agreed, before standing up from his chair.

"Lead the way doll-face." Theo gestures towards the bikes with a mocking bow, Elio chuckled at the male's antics before hopping onto his bike. "Think you can keep up, old man?" Elio teases Theo, who let out a scoff. "Please..I'll leave you in the dust if I knew my way around this place." Elio rolled his eyes with a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah, uh huh."



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