Cinderella Parables

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Hello people. I just had this crazy story-idea and thought I would put it out there since it has been such a long time :) Hope you enjoy! More chapters are on their way!

Peter woke to the noises from the kitchen. It felt like he had just put his head down on the pillow, rested for a second and then just like that it was another day. But it wasn't just your typical "just another wonderful day" in Peter's life anymore. Because it had indeed been like that once. Just after the spiderbite his whole reality became something that seemed out of a superhero-movie. But now, not so much. Especially right at this second.

"I can't believe this!" May sounded really pissed. He better just stay in his room for this one.

"What?! What is it that is so hard to believe? That I slept with Annie? Or maybe it's 'oh so hard' for you to believe that a man has needs and when they're not met, of course he's gonna go seeking it elsewhere!" Greg shouted back. Peter heard some kind of thud.

"Ouch! You can't just throw things?!" Greg offendedly yelled, "What are you, crazy?!"

"Yes. Greg. I'm the CRAZY one?! You know what," May answered and Peter could hear their voices move further away, most likely to the front door, "You get out of my house right fucking now." Damn. Peter hadn't heard May use a curseword in almost two years, and yes: he kept count.

"Well where the hell am I gonna stay?! You wanted me to move in with you and now you want me gone?" Peter heard the front door being opened, "You're fucking delusional. Don't think you can just waltz back into the diner after this. Have fun looking for another job you crazy bitch."

"Have fun with Annie and the syphilis she's probably given you." The sound of the door shutting would have been enough to wake Peter up if he hadn't already been awake.

He knew Greg was an asshole, in fact - it was the first feeling he got off of Greg before he had even laid eyes on the man. It was about a year and a half ago, and Peter had just stepped into the elevator of the apartmentbuildning and felt a strange tingly thing in the back of his neck - right at the spot where the spider had bitten him. At this time he hadn't known the meaning of this weird feeling, but sooner or later during countless of hours on patrol he had started to realize that it meant danger, or that something was wrong. And every time Greg had been so much as a block away from Peter, he'd gotten the tingles. And him moving in two months ago didn't help. The constant anxiety and headaches he had to put up with had even shown on his grades which May had gotten very upset about.

Well, it seemed that this day maybe could turn out to be one of those wonderful days again. By the sound of May's voice when she was yelling and shouting at Greg, he couldn't see him getting back into the picture anytime soon.


A few hours later Peter stood at his locker, packing his books. He wondered what it would be like to come home after school and actually being able to hangout in the livingroom or even the kitchen if he wanted to. It wasn't like Greg had been abusive towards Peter or anything, but Peter always kind of figured that Greg knew he disliked him and so the dislike started going both ways. Ever since he moved in, Peter just stayed clear of the whole apartment except for his room which he didn't even stay in for that much with the patrolling.

"Hey!" Ned said the second Peter shut his locker and was about to head out the school, "Did you have Miss Andersson today too? And did you see the size of her shoes?!" Ned exclaimed loudly but turned it down once he noticed that the whole hallway was looking at them.

"Dude!" Peter said and eyed Ned seriously, "It's not her fault she has manfeet! What is she gonna do? Wear shoes that are too small for her feet? I seem to remember them trying that in Cinderella like a hundered times but it never worked out did it?" Peter said as they started moving along with the other students towards the exit of the school.

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