Chapter 8~ Discussion

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*Jungwon pov*

Jake- This choreo is hard as hell

He said panting as he bent down and put his hands on his knees.

Jay- Yea its definitely one of our harder ones

He said as he was pulling on his shirt, airing it out

Mr. Wong- Again boys

Your manager yelled out while looking at his phone to re-start the song.

Heeseung- Can we get a 5 minute break please?

Mr. Wong- You guys will lose the energy if I give you 5 minutes, let's go. Also, Jungwon, what's wrong with you? You keep spacing out and you're not giving it 100%, I need 1000%

Jungwon- Sorry sir, theirs just a lot on my mind, but I'll try harder

Mr. Wong- You won't try, you will do. Now everybody in positions for "Pass the mic"

We all got up and got in position and did the dance with barely had caught our breaths from the last time. Lately I've been having a really hard time concentrating on pretty much everything. I can't get the thought of getting kicked out of my group outta my head, but at the same time, can't even imagine leaving Y/n. I was laying on my back on the floor, which thank God it was pretty cold. I was still trying to catch my breath when suddenly Sunoo came over and layed on top of me with this front to mine. That small action of his actually really calmed me down, Hes honestly the person I go to with my problems cause Hes so sympathetic and understanding, however, I am yet to tell him this one.

Sunoo- You ok? You look stressed

Jungwon- I'm alright I guess, I'll talk to you in private later

Sunoo- Ok, but if you need to talk sooner, let me know and I'll find us a place

Jungwon- Thanks

I heard the door open, and someone walk in. I looked over and it was the guy to talked to me about dispatch, Mr. Bang.

Mr. Bang- Jungwon, can I see you in my office for a bit?

Sunoo got off of me and I stood up and fixed my clothes.

Jungwon- Yes sir

I started following him out the door and he didn't look that pissed. I was hoping for something good. After a few long and awkward minutes of walking, we reached his office, and he took a seat behind his desk and signaled me to the seat across from him.

Jungwon- Mr. Bang, is everything alright?

Mr. Bang- Sure. I just have to question you for the response of your scandal.

Oh jeez, this. What the fuck am I going to say? I can't lie... or can I?

Mr. Bang- So I'll just ask you some questions and you have to answer me with pure honesty, but Mr. Yang, you do understand that dating is banned in our company, and this could put a damper on your career as long as you keep this up. If you shut it down and confirm that you're not dating either girl in the photos, it will be on your record, but you will be saved. However, if you confirm that you are dating either or both girls, then you will receive negative feedback from the fans and that will throw your group in the gutter and will have gone against your contract that you did sign.

I sat there in silence honestly not knowing what to say.

Mr. Bang- So what will it be Mr. Yang?

I took a deep inhale and a deep exhale.

Jungwon- Can I talk to the boys first? I want to know what they have to say

He exhaled deeply and pushed his seat back irately

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