S 1.2

5 1 1

No A/N


You went into the bathroom and cleaned yourself up. "Holy shit whoever hit that must be good." You said to yourself as you looked at your current state in the mirror. You winced as you touched your nose but shrugged it off as you walked out the bathroom peacefully.

"I didn't mean to hit the ball your way, Or make your nose bleed. " A quiet voice from beside you scared the living shit out of you, and so through reaction you slapped them. When you realized it was someone on the volleyball team, specifically Suna Rintarou.

"I'm sorry! You scared me. Badly..." You said bowing quickly. " It's okay. Let's call it even." He said, taking his bow and leaving.

'He's very quiet. Intimidating too, I wonder if I smelled bad, maybe that's why he left quickly.' You stood in thought, thinking to see if you did and sniffed your armpits a bit. Some students gave you weird glares and stares as they passed you on their way out of school or to extracurricular activities. You shrugged and made your way back to the gym, stopping at a vending machine and bought yourself some chocolate milk.


You walked back into the gym quietly, staring at the crowd of players as they practiced some attacks and spikes. Volleyball was a cool sport to you and you understood a lot of things, but you preferred to watch instead because of your illness. You felt it held you back on a lot of stuff, but you still loved doing one thing. You were big on music and singing, you played the drums and sang. One day you would try to make it in a band, your dream of course. But with those damn grades, girl dream harder.

You kept drinking your milk as you walked up the bleachers to sit where you sat before. When you did, Keiani was gushing over Atsumu, hitting you as she got excited every time he did something. Even breathe..

"Jeez woman calm down!?" Xander said pulling me closer to keep her from abusing my shoulder more. "Seriously girl! I feel bruising starting already." You said playfully.

"Sorry! I'm so excited. Should I talk to him after practice? I will! Thanks guys." You and Xander exchanged glances at each other as you handed him your chocolate milk so he could have some. You and your friends were close friends since birth kinda thing. You were like a sister for them, and they were your brothers and sister.

"Whatever girlie." Xander said, rolling his eyes, taking a sip and handing it back to you.


Practice ended later than expected. As always Keiani went down to help cleanup as an excuse to talk to Atsumu. They acted flirty as always while picking up all the stray balls.

You looked around still with Xander, glancing at everyone. You waved at Aran when he saw you and he waved back. You kept examining everyone on the team, you weren't good with names or faces, but you knew the more popular names and faces of the school hearthrobs. They were everyone's attention and everyone fawned over them, even Xander.

He liked Kita Shinsuke, he denied it to the end but you, Keiani, and Aran knew it all. You in particular had no crush. You were too tired and oblivious to everyone around that you felt you didn't grow an attraction to someone. To be honest, you've never even had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Lonely as hell am I right?

You were shaken from your thoughts when Xander signaled you to walk down the bleachers and catch up with everyone so you guys could walk home together.


You didn't expect Suna to join you guys so you were a bit distraught. It was different, it felt difficult to engage in coversation so you kept quiet. At the convenience store Atsumu and Keiani kept flirting and giggling. It was pretty disgusting, making you and Xander laugh at them secretly. You both were happy that Keiani was happy at least.

Aran walked around with Suna, picking out their own snacks. Xander and you walked up to the counter to pay for your stuff.

"Your turn to pay." You smirked at him.

"What!? I paid last time it's definitely yours." He said crossing his arms.

"What? Liar! I paid last time. Plus I don't have money on me I spent it on the milk. AND!.." You whisper yelled the word 'and'. "I knew it was your turn so I didn't bring that much. Only some for milk." You glared.

"Woman! I didn't bring any money either. I thought it was your turn." He said sheepishly. Your jaw dropped slightly and you glared at him.

"Are you guys gonna pay or what?" Said the slightly annoyed and tired cashier. You both flashed an apologetic smile and sighed.

"Hey Y/n, Xander. Suna said he would pay for you guys. How much?" Came a voice from behind. You smiled at Suna and Aran.

"Awesome! I owe you, are you sure you wanna pay?" He simply nodded his head and put something on the counter. You smiled, Xander giving a smirk knowing all to well.


You and Xander ate your chips together as it was cold outside. Aran and Suna walked next to you guys, Atsumu and Keiani following like a mindless couple.

It was also dark out, a nice setting. It was nearing fall, but the temperature got cold enough to see your breaths. At one point, Xander had to part ways to his house, leaving you with the other 4.

"Sorry guys, Me and Atsumu are gonna go to my place and hangout before it gets later." You exchanged a glance at Aran, knowing full well that they would probably kiss while 'hanging out'. They then parted ways towards Keiani's house. When they were out of sight you guys continued on.

"Alright N/n. I also gotta go, y'know. It's my stop. But if I'm correct, Suna lives nearby you, so walk home together." You nodded your head and waved. "Bye Aran!" You said, walking with Suna. It was quiet, no words were actually spoken between you two, you almost felt intimidated. It was a tension lingering in the air that made you think of some ice breakers. You had none so you said what you had in mind.

"Thanks for buying my snacks today. I'll make sure to pay you back." You smiled, putting your hands in your pockets, feeling the cold reach them finally.

He shook his head. "Think of it more as more compensation from when I hit you on accident." He said plainly. The silence came back as you tried to think of something else to say.

"It's pretty cold out right?" You looked at him. He finally glanced at you, he didn't say anything he just grabbed your hand and put it in his coat pockets.

You were startled by the sudden action, but smiled. Who knew one simple action in this cold weather could make two hearts warm?


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