Chapter 4

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Asta Yuno and Y/N defeated there foes with ease Yuno's battle being just as quick as Asta and Y/N's his wind magic easily dispatching the lightning magic of his opponent another noble.

Finally it was time to be selected As magic knights

"Number 164!" Yuno's number was called up allowing him to walk foward once he had done so everyone's hands raised indicating they wanted to select Yuno as a member for there squad.  Shocking the crowd

"Please allow me to join the golden dawn." Yuno simply stated and that it was next was Asta

"Number 165!" Asta stepped up waiting for hands to go up desperately but to no avail

"Tch........It doesn't matter how many times I have to try this exam I will become wizard king!" Asta started to shout at the captains who wouldn't accept him. "Well it's no surprise." The black bulls captain Yami said as his magic flared and his jumps down to Astas level "and since you have no magical power no one wants you." He says brutally

"IM STILL GOING TO BECOME WIZARD KING SOME DAY!" Asta shouted back "you know that means you'll have to get stronger than all the captains witnessing my power do you really think you have the resolve to do such a thing." Yami questioned "whatever it takes to reach my goal!" The ash blonde responded quickly this causes Yami to smile then out right laugh he offers Asta a spot on his squad.  And he accepts

"Number 166!"

Y/N steps foward and the squads that raised their hands was the crimson lions silver eagles blue rose knights and black bulls

The crowd is in awe that almost all the squads raised there hands

"Allow me to join the blue rose knights if you will have me." Y/N said the crowd gasped

"Doesn't he know if he joins them as a man he will be an underling forever?" A girl said "yeah most guys either quit or are a pack mule till they retire. Talk about a foolish choice."

Y/N thinks to himself "pack mule or not if I have access to that information that's all I need."

After the rest of the people were either chosen or denied Y/N was outside the stadium standing with Asta and Yuno " good luck fellas I guess this is goodbye for now." Y/N said "yeah the next time you see me I'll be a captain" Asta boasted "get real short stuff you haven't the time nor the talent." Yuno chided "this coming from mister stacked team!" Y/N fired at him "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" They all yelled together and butted heads.

Y/N was going to continue the argument when a giant mud hand grabbed him

"STOP BEING A NUISANCE TO SIS! YOU STUPID MAN!" A darker skinned young women stood before him as he gets up from being thrown now infront of his captain and a member of his new squad he sees Asta being tossed through a portal and Yuno leaving with his squad the raven haired boy sighs and stands up dusting himself off

"'My apologies captain and who might you be miss pain in the ass?" He said sarcastically getting arise out of the girl "for your information you filthy bug I'm Sol Marron sis right hand!"  "Call me captain Sol." Charlotte said plainly " Exaclty sis!" She ignored her answering her own way.

Y/N snorted air "okay so you have a few screws loose." A tick mark appears on the tall girls forehead "what did you say? That's rich coming from you what's with that get up you look like your trying to hard to be dark and mysterious." She clapped back "no my ability is Gravity magic." He says with a deadpan expression "what does that even mean." She argued back

"You must not be the brightest in the bunch." "HUUUUUHGH?!" Charlotte had enough " enough of that you two or else I'll take your tongues! Sol stop antagonizing new members and Y/N you have a sharp tongue we will see if you back up your insolence tomorrow during your test to see if you will be an errand boy......or something more" she said ominously

This shuts Y/N up a bit he knew whatever it was he should be able to handle but the level of difficulty was an issue while sure he wanted to be a magic knight to support his family at the church people he thinks of as siblings he really wanted access to the library and he was sure  he would be kicked out on the first night as he hadn't proved himself yet  "fine whatever you have I can take believe that."


Y/N pov

It was the next morning and the squad was harsher on men than I thought it would be they had me sleep out in the cold the first night of course this is no problem to me as it wouldn't be the first time but it's almost as if they were trying to get rid of me.

When I woke up captain approached me

"Prepare yourself Y/N as your first test as blue rose knight is to fight the squad and not the measily errand boys but our veteran members!" The captain commanded me to go to the court yard

Once there most of the members of the squad where waiting

"Your in for it now" an arrogant sol mocked him and stuck her tongue at me. "Oh grow up." I say with mirth. The rest of the members got a good look at me then captain said "you shall conduct battle with all these members at once if I deem you worthy you shall be a true member but if I do not you'll be relinquished to doing the errands and cleaning the hideout."
She said with an otherwise disgusted tone

I have no clue what men did to these women but it seems ridiculous to put other guys through this. I thought to myself


Just like that my quote on quote comrades rushed me out took out there grimoires

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