dont touch the angel

36 1 6

Nico di Angelo does not like to be touched.
Percy POV:

"Nico! Good game!" I say running towards him and stretching my arm out to pat him on the shoulder
He scowls and pulls away before I can touch him

"Don't touch me Percy" he says before walking away towards the infirmary

I would've followed if Annabeth didn't pull me away to the group

Annabeth POV:

"Percy! I can't believe you'd launch the catapult without waiting-I told you to wait for my signal!" I say grabbing Percy's shoulders

"I mean-we still won??" He replied smiling his dumb smile

"Percy why were you talking to Nico?" Hazel asked, stepping forward

Percy shrugged "I was just telling him he did a good job during the game but he told me not to touch him"

Hazel put her hand on her forehead and sighed "..My gods. That boy won't let anyone touch him. Not even me! Juuuust when he was getting better, too."

"Hazel-what if we warm Nico up to the idea of physical touch?" I suggest

Hazel shrugs and says "If it helps him then sure. Question is-how?"

"What if we all go up to him-at different times, maybe even different days-and try to touch him somehow?" Piper adds

"Yea, like high-fives and hugs or something" Percy shrugs

We all decide on time and days and lucky for me-im first.

I walk towards the infirmary, that's where Percy saw him waking last, and go over the plan in my mind

Step one: locate Nico
Step two: talk to Nico
Step three: hug Nico
Step four: return to group

Simple enough

-Don't upset Nico
-Don't bother him for too long
-Keep distance
-Don't Annoy an extent

This will be difficult
Better now then never though

I'm about to enter the infirmary when I see movement in the Hades cabin
Hazel is still with the group so either Nico is in there or someone is going through Nico's stuff, in which case they've earned a judo-flip

Either way it's worth stopping by

I walk towards the cabin and knock on the door
I hear some rustling then Nico appears, peaking his head out the door
I can tell he's hiding something cuz he's maneuvered his body to block the inside of the cabin

"Hey Nico!" I smile
Step one completed

"Hey Annabeth.." He plastered an obvious fake smile on his face
"...what're you doing here?"

"Just checking in on you..Percy said he said hi earlier" I said

Nico shrugged "yeah he stopped by"

"Coooooooool.." I say awkwardly

"Cooool.." Nico says back

We just stare at eachother for a while but then I hear the sound of glass shattering on the floor
Nico hears it and flinches

"oh my gods" he mutters before slamming the door in my face and supposedly going to clean up the mess

I stay at the door for a bit, trying to process what just happened, and I can hear a lot of noises

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