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Hi! It's been a while.
You can ignore this if you want cause it's mostly just stuff about OCs and story shit

I just wanted to say that, yes, I'm continuing the story and, yes, I'm working on a oneshot right now

I have a few lined up but I haven't been consistent with updates and I'm really sorry for that :')

Anyways, I was thinking of adding more OCs to make the story more personalized so here's a headcanon:
After the war(s) and the prophecies, the gods decided the big three could have children again
Chiron also sent a few people to the Lotus Casino to see if there were any demigods in there
Spoiler alert: there were a lot.

So basically I made a few demigod OCs
Key thingy:
-skin tone

Poseidon cabin:
-black w/ dark blue streaks and bangs
-one sea green one brown, lots of big eyeliner
-paranoid but social, friendly but scared
-shot gun, vévaia vévaia/βέβαια βέβαια/Pew Pew/vévaia/βέβαια/Pew

-honey brown to darker chocolate
-hazel-y red
-a bitch, everyone hates him/except his girlfriend-Alexia, thinks he's the coolest cuz he's old
-none, will never get sent on any quests
-American/from NYC
-black tank top, lots of piercings and jewelry, blue jacket thingy

Zeus cabin
-short (very short) dirty blonde
-light, usually has white stars and freckles on using makeup
-slaying as a bisexual icon
-imperial golden double axe, strapped to back, d'or, French for Golden
-From France
-basically the camp's hair dresser-dyes, cuts, styles; etc.

-brown w/ highlights
-sky blue
-peachy w/ lots of natural blush-y
-sweet, manipulated by bitch-bf, kind
-random sword thingy from training arena
-from Ireland

Hades Cabin:
-brown with hints of blue and black
-like a little brother, shy, angy, like a less traumatized Nico
-double daggers hidden in sleeves,  κίνδυνος (kíndynos, Hazard in Greek)
-From Spain
-reminds Nico of his younger self, Nico is very protective

-brown w/ black streaks
-tan w/ vitiligo on arms, legs, and face/mouth area (patches of lighter colored skin)
-like a cat-affectionate but antisocial
-throwing stars; Hermes, George, and Martha (yes, like his snakes. My irl cat has three mice toys names Hermes, George, and Martha)
-Indian but raised in America, no accent
-I based this one off my cat, name means Queen in Hindi

This is my OC:
Hades cabin:
Z (me)
-brown with purple bangs and peek-a-boo
-brown with hints of black
-like Leo, basically funny but stupid
-13, around 1-2 year younger than Nico
-Necromancy Sword, Nightshade
-sometimes acts like Nico's older sister

Anyways if you wanna use this in the comments or sm else feel free too

Also if you want me to put you in the story I could do so, just say !!
To simplify it:

Godly Parent:
-skin tone
-in story, yes/no

Also I'll make more OCs for more gods because for some reason they were also in the Lotus Casino
ok that's it bye now ^^

PJO (mainly Nico) Oneshots and headcanons Where stories live. Discover now