The Call had come late.

From a hotel.

They had gathered their equipment, piled into the ECTO and sped to the destination. The manager explaining when they arrived there was something in the basement. After collecting some more information the woman geared up, entered the lower floor and began their search.

It happened fast.

All of it.

No wonder Erin didn't remember.

But she remembered the sudden pain.

She remembered the blood.

She was in pain.

She remembered the feeling on her face, it was wet.

She was bleeding.

Holtz was screaming out, Patty was yelling.

Erin remembered everything going black.

Suddenly she was on the ground, her entire body was throbbing. The pain was intense, the wind had been completely knocked out of her.

There was a loud pitched sound, then a hum followed by an ear piercing shriek.

Then more screaming.

Everything was going white. She was blinded.

Her head throbbing.

Erin remembered gasping, trying to take in air.

She remembered her lips trying to form words, she tried to open her eyes.

She tried so hard but the light was too bright, and it stung her blue eyes.

Erin attempted to swallow, to choke out words.

Her lips still trying to form 'Jillian' as tears escaped the corner of her eyes as she tried in desperation to call for her, her voice not working, not making a single sound.

And she continued to gasp and wheeze for air.

She didn't know how she did it but she remembered climbing slowly to her feet, her eyesight blurred and she began staggering a little, her chest hurting, throbbing and she winced.


She remembered whispering, her voice unable to do anything more, her throat felt raw and she recalled the echoes of herself screaming and she brought a hand to her neck, squeezing it a little.

Her vision began to clear, and she looked around, suddenly registering that the screaming was continuing and Abby was on the ground, kneeling with Holtz, and Erin squeezed her neck again, bringing her hand down to her side as she tried to call out.

She took a slow step forward, Patty was standing, her suit was bloodied, and torn, and she was holding her side in pain, her phone in her other hand, up to her ear.

'Jill,' Erin whispered again, trying to get to her injured girlfriend and she successful took a couple more steps, and then she froze. She could see Holtzmann clutching a hand, fingers entwined, a thumb rubbing over a palm. Her fingers were bloodied. There was so much blood.

So. much. blood.

It was pooled in front of the blonde.

That's when Erin saw it.

Holtzmann was cradling a body in her arms, and she was screaming.

Holtzmann was cradling Erin in her arms and she was screaming.

Then it registered.

Holtzmann was cradling her in her arms and she was screaming.

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