Aliens - Mikey

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"Erzilla." Viloi called as you looked up at the blue alien. "Lord G'Throkka needs you." The female said as you nodded. You got up as you walk up to the male turquoise alien.

"Yes Lord G'Throkka?"

"I need you to go down to the primitive mud ball called Earth." G'Throkka said as you looked at him confused. "You're the only one who speaks the abnormal language they speak. So it's best for you to go down there." G'Throkka said. It's true. You and the rest of the aliens on the planet of Thov GQC5. You spoke your alien language. No people from the mud ball Earth could understand. You knew there was more to Lord G'Throkka's words.

"Lord G'Throkka. You wouldn't sent me to that mud ball Earth without a better reason than that." You said as you stared at G'Throkka sighed. "What is it, Lord G'Throkka?" You asked as G'Throkka turned to you.

"Ah, you see. Qahon is on that primitive mud ball." G'Throkka said as your eyes widen. "I need you to find him and defeat him before he destroys the planet."

"Eh?!" You exclaimed. "Have you seen me Lord?! I'm an Alien! A purple Alien! How am I gonna find a guy who is probably acting like a human?!" You shouted as G'Throkka huffed.

"Do not raise your voice at me!" G'Throkka yelled as you stared in disbelief. "You have your orders."

"What do you want me to do?!" You shouted. "Go in a spaceship and fall from the sky?!" You shouted as G'Throkka smirked slightly.


'I can't believe Lord G'Throkka did this to me.' You thought. The space ship dropped you from it as you screamed. 'I'm a purple alien! Falling from the sky.' You screamed as you closed your eyes. If you die, you're done for. Os'ads sent you a broken ship. 'Like that's gonna help!' The green alien waved and zoomed back into space. Your ship was falling at a rapid speed as you tried to stop it or slow it down. You closed your eyes as you waited for the impact.


A short boy with long blonde-haired boy was walking with a tall blonde-haired boy with a braid. There were talking trying to go to their friends school until one saw something like a meteor falling from the sky.

"Kenny, you see that?" The shorter boy asked as the tall boy stared at it. "I think it's coming straight towards us. You see it Ken-chin!" The boy said as the tall boy rolled his eyes. The so-called meteor fell right in front of the two boys.

"That wasn't a meteor, Mikey." The tall blonde boy said as the boy known as Mikey pouted. Mikey looked up to where the ship came from. Mikey saw purple in the sky. He went up under it and stared.

"Ken-chin. It's purple." Mikey said as the purple thing fell into Mikey's arms. "Huh?" Mikey said as he stared at the purple skinned girl. The purple skinned girl opened her eyes and stared at Mikey. They stared into each others eyes for a second.

'Beautiful dark eyes.'

'Gorgeous (e/c) eyes...'

You screamed as Mikey screamed after you. He dropped you as you crawled back a little.

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