My Devil - Karma Akabane

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Also you can think about your own outfit.

Assassination Classroom x Obey Me! Shall We Date Crossover!


"Hey~ Nagisa-kun, Look." Karma called to the blue-haired boy. Karma picked up a book as Nagisa sweatdropped. "We should use it."

"Karma-kun, you know that might be someone else's." Nagisa told them as Karma smirked.

"What fun is that?" Karma asked.

"You guys walk fast!" A blonde shouted as Karma opened the book. "What are you doing?"

"Hey Nakamura. Karma found a book on the floor." Nagisa informed as Nakamura stared in confusion.

"It's a spell book. Oh, you can summon things in here." Karma said as Nagisa sweatdropped. "I'm gonna do it." Karma said as Nakamura smiled.

"Tell me how it went." Nakamura said as Nagisa stood there shocked.

"Don't encourage him, Nakamura-san!" Nagisa exclaimed as Nakamura giggle. "See ya." Nagisa said as everyone part ways.


"Hm." Karma said while reading the book. "None of these interest me." Karma murmured as he looked at a summoning spell. "I'll try that." Karma said as he gather all the materials for it. He put everything in place and lit candles. Karma sat down, closed his eyes, and started saying the words for it. Karma felt something happened while he was saying everything. After the ritual he sat for a minute and open his eyes. He saw nothing as he sighed. He did his homework that was assigned and laid in his bed. "That was a waste of my time." Karma said to himself as he got up and went to bed. He laid down and slowly closed his eyes.


Karma slowly opened his eyes and but not fully. Karma was half-asleep and saw red.

"Huh?" Karma mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. Once he did, he saw what was clearly on top of him. There was a girl with red skin that was glistening with the sun. The girl had (e/c) colored eyes and (H/c) hair. Her hair was (H/l). She also had (f/c) horns and tail. Karma sighed and smirked. "Now I have an excuse to be late." Karma said as the girl on top of him irked.

"Why did you summon me?!" You asked as Karma hummed in response. "Answer me!" You shouted as the boy stuck his tongue out.

"I don't know." Karma said as you looked confused. "I just did and nothing happen so I left." Karma said as Karma smirked. "What were you trying to do. Rape me?" Karma said as you rolled your eyes.

"What if I was?" You asked as Karma cocked an eyebrow.

"How come I not naked and a moaning mess?" Karma shot back with a smirk. You blushed as you got off of him.

"Anyways, why did you summon me?" You asked as Karma shrugged.

"No reason. Just for fun." Karma said as you sighed.

"You are telling the truth." You said as you shook your head. "Okay, Akabane Karma!" You exclaimed as he looked at you. He already put on his uniform and packed his bag. "I'm (Y/n)! I'm from hell. I am second in line for ruler of hell!" You said as proudly.

"So what are you gonna do?" Karma asked as he threw his bag over his shoulder. You stared at him with confusion.

"What do you mean?" You asked as Karma stared and walked off. You followed him. You were floating above Karma looking around. "It's rare for you to summon me with no reason." You said as Karma hummed. "So, where are you going?"

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