♡Chapter One♡

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Heather Chandler❤

Most days I feel like I want to take my makeup off, change into normal every-day teenager clothes, and just be, well, normal. I can't do that though. I have a reputation to uphold and I refuse to let that go.

I got up this morning and got dressed in my usual red blazer, black and gray plaid skirt, black shoes, and big red scrunchie tying my hair up halfway. The rest of my hair was down.

I quickly made myself some avocado toast before walking out the door to get to my red Porsche. I had to pick up Heather McNamara today. She doesn't have her own car yet surprisingly, with her parents being as loaded as they are.

I got in my car and drove off, eager to hurry and get to McNamara's house so we could go to school already. Today we had history first period, so there was no way in hell that we weren't going to be skipping.

Time skip

We made it to school on time, Heather Duke was already waiting for us by our lockers. She pisses me off sometimes, no, all of the time. She's always got to open her big mouth about something fucking ridiculous! She's still one of my best friends though, and I care about her. I wouldn't tell her that to her face of course.

I walk up to my locker and notice something. There's a note taped to it. "What the hell is this?" I ask Duke, glaring at the letter.

"Acting like I know? It was already on your locker when I got here dumbass. " Duke said, a hint of attitude in her voice. I glare daggers at her, and she backs away slightly, looking terrified.

"Well, let's see what sorry cooze wants me this time." I say as I begin to open the letter.

I open it, and it reads:
"You shine brighter than any star, and you are more unique than any galaxy. I admire you, and I like you, more than you could imagine. Your confident personality mixed with your beauty takes my breath away completely. You are stunning. Far more stunning than any other random skeez here at this shit-hole school. I will reveal myself soon enough, but until the I will continue to write anonymously.
Yours truly, secret admirer."

I had read it out loud to Duke and McNamara. Duke was laughing her ass off, McNamara was standing there reading it over my shoulder, and I was dumbfounded. Whoever wrote this must really mean it.

I'd never read a love letter like that in my life. That was actually really beautiful. However, I will not be accepting it. Whatever sad man that wrote it can go crawl back into his greasy little man-cave.

"I feel sorry for whatever loser wrote THAT!" Duke snickered.

"Shut UP Heather!" I yelled. She nodded and quietly apologized. I folded the letter up and put it in the pocket of my blazer.

We headed to the bathroom before the bell rang, eager to skip history class. When we got there, nobody was in any stalls, so we were the only ones. Duke immediately ran into one of the stalls to puke.

"Grow up Heather, bulimia is so 87'." I yelled to her. I heard something shuffle behind me, but nothing was there so I didn't pay attention to the noise.

"Y'know Heather, maybe you should see a doctor." McNamara suggested to Duke, who was still taking another look at her breakfast.

"Yeah Heather, maybe I should." Duke responded to McNamara.

Suddenly, someone opened the door to the bathroom. Fuck. It was Mrs. Fleming.

"Ah look. Heather, Heather.." Fleming trailed off as Duke puked again. "Aaaaand Heather." Fleming finished speaking.

"The bell rang, didn't you hear? Why aren't you three in class? Where's your permission slip?" Fleming asked. Double fuck. We didn't have one. I couldn't afford to get in trouble.

Suddenly, I heard some scribbling noise from the stall behind me, and someone unlocked it and walked out.

Oh. My. God. The girl that walked out was just about the most gorgeous person I'd ever seen. She had shoulder-length fluffy brown hair, hazel eyes, and really, REALLY good bone structure. Of course I'd never say anything like that to her face.

"Um.. Actually, we're all out on a permission slip for yearbook." The girl said. Her voice was as angelic as her looks. Oh my god shut up you idiot! Stop gawking over this nerd and look intimidating! I thought.

"Oh, I see you're all listed. Well, hurry and get to class soon." Fleming said, walking out of the bathroom shortly after.

I stood there for a moment, trying to make the pink tint to my face go away. I walked over to the girl with the short brunette hair, and grabbed her by her waist. I turned her around and grabbed the note.

It looked exactly like one of our teachers handwriting, and all of our names were clearly written on it.

Someone else's name was written on it, I assumed it was the girls name.

"This is a excellent forgery. Who are you?" I asked the girl. She looked at me with a slight hint of nervousness. Her face turned a shade of pink, and I smirked a bit.

"Uh.. Veronica Sawyer. I um, I crave a boone." The girl said. I raised an eyebrow at her. "What boone?" I asked. "Let me sit with you at lunch.. No talking necessary. If people think you tolerate me they'll leave me alone." Veronica said.

I scoffed. In reality I would love nothing more than for that pretty girl to sit with us at lunch, but it could potentially ruin my social status. I can't risk that. I opened my mouth to protest (sadly), when Veronica spoke up again.

"Before you respond, I also do report cards, permission slips, and absence notes." She said. "What about prescriptions?" Duke asked. "Shut up Heather!" I yell at her. "Sorry Heather.." She mumbles.

"So.. What do you say?" Veronica asks.

I stood there pretending to think about it for a moment. I walk closer to her and grab her chin with my thumb and pointer finger. I inspect all angles of her face. God, she's even more gorgeous up close..

"Hmm.. For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure. You could be beautiful, with a little lip gloss and mascara." I say, trying to intimidate her. Though, I couldn't quite tell if it was working.

"Oh! And you have a symmetrical face! If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I'd have matching halves. That's very important." McNamara said, making a slight chopping motion with her arm.

"Um.. T-thanks.." She whispered, blush creeping up onto her face. I hesitantly let go of her face and turn to the other two Heathers.

"Heather, give me your makeup, and Heather give me your brush..." I ordered. "We're going to make her beautiful."

Yours truly, Veronica || ChanSaw♡Where stories live. Discover now