The New Kid

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My name is Connor and I'm a national Thespian, and the designated wing man. I've never been in a real relationship. I'm not typically the type of guy that girls seem interested in. Sorry to be a pick me boy but it's true. I'm not a sexy, dark, and mysterious actor that reminds you of the slutty vampires from Twilight. I'm the dang duck plus dog from Mickey mouse, Goofy and Donald . I'm not buff, tall nor am I some greek god. I'm the guy that gets type casted as the second male lead, always in love with the girl, but never getting her.

Aug 24th- It's my Junior year and I can finally play the lead role even though he is a nerdy geek, but I'll take it more then less! I walk to our Drama Clubs Officer meeting in the morning to discuss what we are doing for our first clubs meeting. (BTW I'm Treasure)Once I got there everyone looked really excited,so I asked Mr. Roller what the fuss was all about. "Hey Roller why is everyone so excited?", I asked him quietly to avoid the others hearing my question. "Well Connor we are going to have many new drama club members, but more importantly we have a freshman in UIL, Drama Club, Theatre and Tech theatre. Honestly that's the most someone has done since you. The only difference is that you do Musical Theatre and they're doing Tech.", Mr.Roller responded. I wondered why we even needed someone as involved as me. I wondered if they would even need me anymore after this new guy shows up, will I lose my future roles? I couldn't think anymore,but thankfully the bell rung and I left as fast as I could,but then I saw someone walking into the theatre. They had a pink hoodie that said theatre kids rock, band kids droll. Which I completely agree. I was curious to know who they were but i had to get to class.

A3- After second period me and my best friend Jordan began to walk to our UIL theatre class during A3 and we saw her. The person with the hoodie from earlier. The funny, cute, pink hoodie from earlier that put band kids in their place. They put their hood down and it wasn't a guy or a they but a she. And she was beautiful. She had light brown skin that reminded me of ice coffee, curly dark brown hair that reminded me of dark chocolate bars that I could dissolve in forever,her lips as sweet as fresh rose petals , and her eyes are a dark brown bark that fills the fireplace. I wanted to know her, but so did Jordan. "Hey who are you princess.", Jordan asked. "Um I'm Sapphire ,and I'm in your UIL class.", she said. "Um nice to meet you I'm Connor." She just nods and walks into class. We walk after her.

UIL CLASS- We all take our seats and Pinkie sits in the back of the classroom. I assume she was a little nervous about being in an advanced class so early. I was put in sophomore year, but she's a i don't know yet. "Hello class welcome back we have a new student named Sapphire .", Roller said. We all greeted her. She gave us a sweet warm smile and started to become more comfortable. Roller called us to the middle to do a warm up game called "Bang." Which he had me explain. "Bang, is a game where the person in the middle fakes shoots at someone and the person they shoot has to duck down and the two people beside them have to shoot at each other. Which ever one says bang last is out or if someone misfires they are out. Got it", I explained. "Got it", Sapphire said in a competitive tone. We got into the game and people were getting out quickly especially Jordan being first, but Pinky and me lasted all the way into being the bottom two. It had transitioned from a friendly game into a western show down. How the showdown works is that you have "a word" then you guys walk in the opposite direction until that word is said. When it is you turn around as quickly as possible and shoot the other person saying "bang." I didn't explain it to her because somehow she already knew. Our word was "Forest." Mr.Roller begin "A little girl name red ridding hood lived with her mother right outside the... cottage. She went through the ...wilderness and saw a wolf in the forest." I turned like the flash but somehow she beat one has ever beaten me before. The class was left flabbergasted, but most of all I was mesmerized. I couldn't find the way to describe how this girl has changed everything in the mere 5 minutes of her entering Roller's Theatre Room. He's right she's a star but in my eyes she's even more. She's a Diamond. My thoughts about Sapphire got interrupted by the sound of Roller's voice trying to get my attention. "Yes", I reply.Roller looked serious and spoke "Connor, you and Sapphire will be partnered off for our first project of the year. Duet scenes. All must be a romantic tragedy. Everyone else you can choose your partners.I'll talk to you and Sapphire separately." I was scared maybe even terrified. First I have to work with a girl I've never even talked to before or let alone known of for more then 5 hours. Secondly, she's already captivated me so far if I get anymore attached it will break my heart when she finds someone better.

Roller's Discussion- "Hi guys I didn't mean to scare y'all in there. I just think it's important that we focus on y'all both succeeding with your acting this year since y'all are already on track. Sapphire this is Connor the guy I was telling you about.", Roller explained. I was still quite confused with the situation, but soon I had to realize the situation. "Hi it's nice to meet you I've heard astonishing things.", Sapphire compliments. I was taken off guard. She's heard of me and she liked whatever she heard enough to put me into her mind. Enough to think about my existence. I felt so enchanted to meet her. "It's nice to meet you as well, but like why are we partnered up? Not like it's a problem. I've heard great things about you as well and would be more then happy t-", I was suddenly cut off by Roller. "I want to see y'all's chemistry together as performers. You guys are both extremely talented. I should know I've been in productions with Sapphire and directed Connor through many high school musicals and plays. You guys know how to steal the spot light, so let's see if you guys can share it. There's a play coming up that I believe would make y'all perfect for the role, but your chemistry this Friday determines that. Be ready."
After that talk me and Sapphire left his office. We were both a bit shaken , but also we left with a huge determination to succeed. To prove his assumption about our talents correctly. We wanted to be the best even better then what we are right now. We started trying to make plans. At first it was awkward, but we both made the mutual decision to meet tomorrow to work on our story outline during our shared Theatre class then after school we would rehearse at my house. I was happy. I mean a cute girl enters my life and is delivered right to me in a glass case. Then apparently I have the opportunity for a role that wouldn't be type casting me as the simp or geek but the pimp. Well not a pimp but a man that's more enduring. I'm thrilled. Life has climb to the top in 50 seconds of my life that I know is the start of everything. Every little thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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