Text Message

797 20 38

A/N: There are several emojis in this one, hopefully they display correctly for you.

Ok fine. Nya admits it. She is being a clingy girlfriend/fiancée aka yang. But it's not her fault that her other half is out with the boys on a super awesome top secret mission. Whatever that means.

Normally there is plenty to do to occupy her time. Such as fiddling with new vehicle designs, helping P.I.X.A.L. in the motor pool, combing through criminal databases, minor repair work around the monastery, the To Do list is endless. Yet somehow, she is rolling around on her bed, impatiently waiting for a response to her text messages.

She supposes she's allowed to be a little anxious for a response, considering his last communication was two days ago. Logically, she knows Jay will be fine. Despite his hyperactive spastic ridiculousness, he always pulls through as the winner. Perhaps that's not so logical after all.  That's the paradox of Jay. Everything just seems to work out no matter how dire the circumstances. Jay's Razor.  She thinks that maybe it is the power of positive thinking. If you want something bad enough, you make it happen. Jay manifests his own reality. That, or he paid off someone in the Cloud Kingdom.

Her phone buzzes and Nya jumps to grab it a little too quick than she would like to admit. For all the crap the others give Jay about being a head over heels hopeless romantic, she is as in love as he is. It's just that . . . the words are hard for her to say. Expressing feelings don't come easy to her (accept for rage, but hey, being the daughter of the Master of Fire has to count for something).

Nya happily checks her messages, hoping it is an update from her yang.

JW: I'm gonna need a week of R&R after this

That bad? :NS

JW: 😑😑😑

JW: Tell your BROTHER that the next time he feels the need to almost cause a forest fire


🤦‍♀️ :NS

JW: Somehow this turned into a babysitting Kai mission

as opposed to babysitting Jay? :NS

JW: 😡

JW: hey now, I know when to goof off and when to get serious

JW: My timing is impeccable

Nya rolled onto her back and let loose an ugly, full-bodied snort. Jay's jokes always made her laugh, even if they landed flat in the moment, she would think of them later and chuckle to herself. 

🤣 :NS

Fine I'll give you that one :NS

JW: Case in point

JW: I'm going to smell like smoke for weeks 🔥🌲

JW: Two more days and then we will be home

😞 :NS

JW: miss me that much?

JW: awwww, I'm so touched 😚

I just miss your constant jabbering :NS

The monastery is too quiet :NS

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