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I'll start with Countryhumans.
Overall, the idea of it is great. Humans with the skin representing their nation. Human features to relate to. The main reasons why this fandom gets a bad rep are the people themselves. Due to it being newer, all the cringy gen Zs and alphas are the bulk of it. It is also hated due to it coming around later than the others. This makes it seem like a rip off to Countryballs and Hetalia.

Hetalia is arguably the largest out of the four. Mainly due to it being an anime rather than a way online people try to put their drawings out. The characters are memorable and the most human-like. This makes it easier to relate to them. Shame it's hard to tell who is who at a first glance. It's main problems stem from the anime slowing down and a heavy emphasis on a select few characters. Oh, and all the characters are heavily sexualized.

The most popular, simple and probably oldest personification fandom. Countryballs represents countries in a simple, fun and elegant way. The fandom is well-balanced and can write, draw and do some very good fan-stuff. Unfortunately, the ball shape of the characters makes it a bit hard to sympathize with them. Otherwise, fandom's main problems are the same ones all the fandoms share.

Scandinavia and the World.
This one is the fandom I am least familiar with. It mainly centers around the Nordic nations drawn in a simple and understandable way. It's like a mix of Countryhumans and Hetalia. Human faces, flag bodies, all drawn in a stick-man like way. The fandom is nice, with not many large flaws. The biggest problem is the large centralization around the Nordic nations, with the few cameos being mainly other arctic countries.

Now, these fandoms revolve around a basic concept, make countries into characters and create stories with them. They all share similar problems, where many nations are either over or under represent. The personifications are also largely based around stereotypes, which are fun but also very inaccurate. This latter part isn't a big deal since stereotypes are often believed anyways.

Anyways, thank you for reading and suggest what I should talk about next

My Opinions On Hetalia, Countryhumans, Countryballs and SATWWhere stories live. Discover now