Prologue 1

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London Orphanage Night

(It's a rainy night in london. We see a normal orphanage in the middle of an empty street. Suddenly a basket seems to appear at the door of the orphanage followed by the sound of a baby laughing loudly. A second later lights turn on in side the building. Then the door opens revealing a rather young lady who looks down to see a baby in the basket)

Lady: Oh my godness. Who would leave a baby out here in the rain.

(She picks up the baby. The baby looks at her with a neutral face like he's studying her. Then falls a sleep. The lady looks in the basket and sees a letter witch she picks up)

Lady: 'Dear who ever reads this letter I am the mother of this child. When you are reading this letter I'm most likely dead. Please take care of my little y/n he is really special and is going to do something great when he's older. Raise him good. In the basket there is a book that I want him to have when he is older. So give it to him when he is 7.'

Maria Graves

(The lady puts the letter away and picks up a book that was in the basket. She looks at the title that reads 'The history of Grindelwalds.' She looks at the sleeping baby)

Lady: Well welcome to the family little y/n graves. I know the others are going to be excited to know you.

(She turns and goes back inside with a baby you shutting the door behind her)

Time skip 7 years

London Streets Day

(Its a cloudy day in london. People are walking in the streets when a young boy runs through the street lightly pushing the others earning a couple of yells for the people witch the boy who is revealed to be you ignore them because you are a hurry back to the orphanage)

Y/n: Oh no I'm so late. Mary is going to be so angry.

(You continue to run and after a while of running you come up to the orphanage. You sneak to the back door. When you get there you open the door quietly and enter the orphanage)

Y/n: Okay. Now i need to go up to my room so mary won't find out that I was out.

(You then hear a cough behind you making you freeze. You slowly turn around and see an angry looking lady standing behind you)

Y/n: Oh hey Mary. I was just out in the garden looking at the... flowers?

(You then realize that what you said was idiotic)

Mary: Don't start with me young man! You were out somewhere without telling me or anyone else! What were you doing!

Y/n: I was bored and wanted to do something okay.

(Maria sighs and looks at you less angry)

Maria: You do know that its your 7th birthday today y/n?

Y/n: Wait its today?

Mary: Yes. And I have something to give you that your mother left for you.

(You look up at her curious about what your mother left for you. Mary takes a book from a cabinet. She blows the dust on top of it and gives it to you. You take it and read its title)

Y/n: The history of Grindelwalds? Who are the Grindelwalds?

Mary: I don't know. But it must be important if your mother left it for you.

(Then mary takes another book that is wrapped in gift wrapping and gives it to you)

Mary: And this is from me. Happy birthday y/n.

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