three ; stefan salvatore

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[ stefan salvatore x fem!reader

word count : 721 ]

"it looks so pretty." you gushed while snapping a photo of the sunset. stefan who is seating beside you, smiled softly while staring at you. "it is." he said fondly, eyes gleaming that made your friends smile sadly while staring at the both of you.

you and the mystic falls gang had a party at a rooftop that you were pretty sure damon had compelled his way in. when you asked them what it's for they just shrugged at you, but you knew. still, you didn't question them and just humour them.

you talked, danced around, played games and many more. but when the sun had set you got distracted, so they let you go to the railing to watch it with your stefan, while the others quietly talked and glance at the two of you from time to time.

you looked at him and gave him a small smile before laying your head in his shoulder. he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head before putting his head on top of yours and closed his eyes.

it was a rough night. you just got back home from work and you couldn't stop coughing that your boss send you home.
stefan and damon shared worried looks because it always happen, sometimes even causing you and stefan to argue because he wanted to take you in the hospital.

but you couldn't, you hate hospitals.

when someone aks you because of it you just shrugged them off and said it's 'nothing' like you always do that always made them sigh.

but now seeing your hand full of blood when you had just touched your nose made you panic. so even if you despise hospitals you still went to have a check up.

after a few tests you got the diagnosis. stage 3 lung cancer.

you sigh shakily and smiled thankfully at the doctor who looked at you sadly. since you're part of the founding families she knows who you are so you made her promise not to tell anyone.

she suggested chemo to you, so you did.

you started chemo and other therapies the very next day, but it still wasn't enough. the cancer had already spread. there was nothing the doctors could do and nothing they could have done. you left the hospital with prescription for pain medication and a few months to live.


you are doing well at hiding it and acting like everything is normal, acting like you don't have a few more weeks left to be with your friends.

that was, until stefan saw your meds and took it to the hospital to know what it is.

it lead to a full blown argument in front of the others. tears were shed, elena almost passing out because of the news, bonnie walking out, damon and alaric trying to calm stefan down, caroline crying while hugging you and you- who is not talking that made stefan more angry and didn't talk to you for the rest of the day. but when you fell asleep, he found himself in your room, hugging you as he silently cried for the rest of the night.

"doll?" he whispered and opened his eyes to look at you.
"i love you." he said with a smile before tucking the loose strand of hair in your ear.

"i love you more." you whispered with a small smile and looked at him. "but i'm tired, can i sleep now?" you asked quietly, blinking your eyes tiredly.

his smile fell slightly before nodding weakly at you and kissed your lips.

stefan watched with glassy eyes as you smile at him one more time. he watched as you weakly placed kisses all over his face. he watched how you glance at your friends and smile at them one more time. and lastly, he watched how you closed your eyes.

stefan let out the tears that was threatening to fall when he didn't hear your shallow breathing anymore, when he didn't hear your heartbeat anymore. he cried silently while clutching your cold hands, whispering to you as if you can still hear him.

"stef?" damon called cautiously.
stefan sniffled slightly and reluctantly looked away from your peaceful state and looked at the others.

stefan smiled sadly at them before shaking his head, indicating their worst fear.

you're gone.

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