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Background on the story:

Luna is a psychology major and goes to a competitive college and is working very hard Bery is a twitch streamer and TikToker and a college dropout

Anything in Italics means the person is talking to themselves

Luna pov

4:00 am

Beep beep beep

You jolted up from your peaceful sleep lazily reaching over to shut off the buzzing sound you didn't want to get up your exhaustion hit you in the face you turned your head to see ur beautiful girlfriend Bery sleeping peacefully while holding you as if her life depended on it. That was all the motivation you needed to get up. You carefully wiggled your way out of Berys death grip careful not to wake her. You put on your makeup and pick out an outfit not forgetting your morning skincare routine you brush your teeth then stop to look in the mirror. You loved yourself in eyeliner, blazers, and skirts today you combined your three favorite things. In a rush, You grab your backpack and car keys not forgetting to leave a note for your sleepy girl.

You ran out the door.


The clock read perfect timing you thought to yourself just enough time to go get coffee you knew Bery would kill you if she knew that you were drinking it instead of eating breakfast as according to her "coffee does not count as food " whatever you told yourself as you pulled into the Starbucks drive through after ordering your usual you pulled into your school


It had only been an hour and you had already missed your sleepy girl you sighed again but remembered what your therapist told you about being positive well the sooner the day starts the sooner I can see her you said out loud to yourself.

-Time skip-


The bell rang your day was officially over finally you thought to yourself. Your day was horrible your day today consisted of your mom and dad calling you to tell you how disappointed they are in you for some dumb thing threatening to revoke the money they put into your college tuition normally that wouldn't bother you because it sadly happens all the time you also had a random panic attack when you were presenting in English and broke down in tears in front of everyone in your class. You heard students whispering as you walked to your locker your best friend Emma approached you and said "hey Luna!" you toured around and a small smile crossed your face "hey Emma! is there something I can help you with?" you said Emma came behind you and whispered in your ear "do you know you bleed through your pants" she said all of a sudden it all made sense the snickers and whispers of your classmates "No I didn't Thanks Emma" you said "No problem and here" she said handing you a pad and tampon you were about to turn around to get your spare set of under where and pants from your locker when Emma suddenly graded your arm and said " Hey and are you ok you've looked off all day" fuck of course she noticed lying through your lips you said "Yeah I am thanks for checking on me! I've just been sad because I missed Bery!" Emma rolled her eyes at you as she said you're so attached to that girl it's disgusting "You're just jealous that I'm in a relationship" you said as u stuck out ur tongue she rolled her eyes again as her phone rang she looked at you and said "Well it was great talking to bye Luna I have to go" "Bye!" You said finally you thought

~Time skip~


As you were finally ready for the five-minute walk to your car it started pounding rain outside fuckk you mentally groaned you started running you were drenched in rain it didn't help that it was freezing out you started to regret not checking the weather before. All of a sudden you face-planted in a puddle you wanted to cry you were in so much pain from your new cuts covering your face, legs, and hands to your period cramps. Somehow you found the strength to get up as you did you felt dizzy you knew Bery was gonna kill you if she knew you didn't check the weather and ended up sick. It doesn't matter I just need to get to the car then I can be warm. You sprinted the rest of the way to your car when you got in you immediately turned up the heat all the way and just sat down for a few minutes, zoning out. After you snapped back into reality you were immediately reminded of how much pain you were in, quickly grabbing the bottle of Tylenol in the glove compartment but just your luck it was empty you groaned. You sighed and then smiled as you started driving excited to see Bery and to get your cuddles from her.

Girl x Girl one shots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now