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Background information: Luna and Bery  have been dating for a year they meet in university

Pov: Bery and Luna are UNI students at the same university when they both have a three week break for the holidays and Bery has no where to go Luna suggests going to seeing her parents and brothers with her

Berys Pov

Chatter filled the lecture hall everyone was excited because today was the last class of the day and then we all get a three week break everybody was rejoicing except for me you and you still haven't figured out where you would stay for the three weeks as you couldn't go back to see your family since they had disowned you after finding out about your girlfriend . you weren't looking forward to spending three whole weeks in your apartment doing nothing and you knew your girlfriend was going back to see her family and you were happy for her but you couldn't help but feel jealous. When class was finally over you walked out of the lecture hall. you were immediately greeted by a warm embrace from your girlfriend.

(A\N: Yall know the drill by now bold italics means Berys talking italics means Luna's talking)

Hi hi!!!

Babeee you scared me

Sorry baby I was just excited to see you *she said as she reached for your hand*

You smiled softly and held her hand

It's ok cracker


The two of you laughed as you made your way to your shared dorm it was a three minute walk so you had time

Sooo what are you doing for break

Um nothing to be honest I kinda cant see my family rn because.... Well yk so I'm just gonna figure something out

A small smile spread across her face

Hmm I have an idea of what you could do

What is it

How about you spend the break with me I mean my mom and dad have been dying to meet you and I know my brothers love you they would be so happy to finally see you and and

She was rambling you interrupted her with a tight hug

I would love to



Yeah ash is my moms name


You were now at the dorm Luna ends up help ing you pack. When got in the car Luna put on your shared playlist the drive was an hour long so you had stopped to get Starbucks before you hit the road. Adout 20 minutes into the drive she got a call she asked you who it was you turned over her phone the screen read volt in bold letters. When you told you who it was she asked you to accept it as She couldn't because she was driving. Putting it on speaker

(Just as an fyi Luna has four brothers in this story Valentine,Voltaire, and Venice,)

Volt: hello?

Luna: hi I'm driving rn but what is it

Volt: oh ok good I was just gonna ask if your bringing Bery mom keeps asking about her she really wants to meet her and asked me to tell you that she is more then welcome to spend Christmas at our house instead

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