Day 4: What Are We To Her?

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Ono smiled as he watched his kids play. He wasn’t gonna lie, he was kind of scared that they wouldn’t get along. He looked over to the elves beside his little family and smiled again and looked at one with particular interest. The one who could understand them, the one called Mia. Onchao always treated her like a sister and not a friend like the others, Lyria tried to protect her at any given time, and Kiara was never afraid to be herself around her. Not to mention how Mia protected them until the end of time. Mia noticed how Ono was looking towards their general direction and gave him a small wave.
“(You should try to get to know her dad),” Kiara walked over to the unicorn king “(She’s really fun.)”
Onchao followed his sister “(She sure is.)”
Ono laughed slightly “(I’ll try.)”

Mia and me: Downtime in CentopiaWhere stories live. Discover now