Chapter 36

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After about 45 minutes of us being sat at the field and me barely saying any words, Wooyoung decided that we should go home. I said "sorry" to Yeosang before leaving for wasting his time on the field. He told me that it is alright and that he wouldn't mind anytime that I ever needed him. "I just want you to be ok. I'm not bothered about how much time we waste. As long as you are happy in the end!" Were his words.

I asked Wooyoung if it was alright if I just got ready for bed. It was only 3:20pm but I just needed to rest. "Of course it is. I think I might do the same to be honest."

We both showered, then got our pyjamas on. I went back into Wooyoung's room and I took off my makeup. As I looked in the mirror at my bare face, I heard the comments in my head from earlier and in the past.

Wooyoung came through the door and put his worn clothes in the laundry basket. He then came and sat by me as I finished taking my makeup off.

"Am I ugly?" I blurted randomly, wanting to know the truth.

"No, of course not." He looked shocked as he answered.

"Am I good enough for anyone?" I sniffled.

"Y/N..." Wooyoung looked concerned.

"Am I disgusting? Am I unlovable?" I let out a painful sob.

"Why would you ask that? Has someone told you that?" Wooyoung growled. "Is that why you were upset earlier?"

"Am I though? Will anyone ever love me?"

"I love you as a best friend. I always will. I am sure the other guys love you too. Your brothers also love you lots. I can tell by how defensive they get over you."

"That's not what I mean." I paused "I mean a relationship that could one day lead to marriage."

Wooyoung looked at me and sighed. "I know that someday, someone will come and sweep you off your feet and love you in a romantic way but you just haven't found the right guy for you yet. Or maybe there is someone who loves you like that and they just haven't been able to admit it yet but someone will. How can they not? You are polite, kind, caring, beautiful, smart, funny and cute. You are very loveable y/n."

Wooyoung pulled me into his embrace and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms and leg around him so he could carry me over to his bed. He placed me down gently on my side but didn't let go. Wooyoung lay beside me and covered us with the blanket before snuggling into me. Without another word, the two of us fell asleep.

 Without another word, the two of us fell asleep

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