Chapter 53

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I awoke the next morning in my pyjamas and with Wooyoung next to me; playing with my hair.

"Morning beautiful." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I snuggled into him, wrapping my arms around him and mumbled a good morning greeting back. Wooyoung squeezed me into him more. I didn't think that was possible but Wooyoung somehow did it.

We lay like this for a while until Wooyoung broke the silence.

"Was everything alright yesterday between Yunho and you?" Wooyoung asked. He didn't seem annoyed or jealous. Just concerned.

I nodded.

"Yunho told me something about my mother that I never knew." I started. Wooyoung looked confused so I began to tell him what happened. The full story: leaving nothing out.

"So you're telling me that your mother was sleeping with Yunho's father but Yunho knew about it the whole time?" Ok, maybe I accidentally left that out.

"Yes but h..." Wooyoung cut me off

"Why didn't he tell you if he knew? He should have told you as soon as he..." I then cut Wooyoung off.

"He didn't know it was my mother until we met each others families at the party but then it clicked that he knew who she was. Yunho felt really bad that he didn't tell me there and then but he didn't know how to say it to me as he didn't know how I would feel about it. I could tell at the beach that he was stressing about something and then we went to talk. That's basically it to be honest." I told Wooyoung.

"Ohhh right." Wooyoung mumbled. "Sorry for cutting you off mid sentence. I just got riled up at the fact he never bothered to tell you and he knew for so long but now I understand."

"Don't worry Woo. I probably would have done the same if it was reversed roles." I smiled over to him, thankful that I have such an apologetic and caring boyfriend.

The two of us carried on talking and then decided to get ready for classes.

"I don't want to go to class today. He will be there." I sighed.

"Me neither. If we could switch places, I would. At least you have Yeosang in your class to help you if needed but I'm sure Byeongho won't do anything to you in class. If he does; I will beat his ass."

"Im sure you will." I say jokingly.

"Im serious." Wooyoung mumbled with a straight face.

I burst into laughter. "I know you are. That's what makes it funny."

"You think I can't beat him?" Wooyoung pouted.

"Nope. I know you can't." I teased, then giggled.

"Right! That's it!" Wooyoung jumped on top of me and began tickling me.

"I'm not ti..." I stopped as I began laughing.

"NOOOO! STOP." I cried of laughter. I tried wafting Wooyoung away as if he were a fly.

"We... need... to... go....ahhhh... to... classes." I giggled as I tried to roll on top of him and eventually succeeded.

"Ohhh, so now you want to go to classes?" He teased. I cuddled into him so I was basically just laying on top of him.

"No." I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Let's get ready." Wooyoung lifted me off him and gave me a quick kiss before going in the bathroom to shower. 'He could have at least let me go first'. I thought sarcastically.

Wooyoung came back into the room and said "you can always join me. I will never turn down that offer." As if he heard my thoughts.

I threw the pillow at him and ran past him to the bathroom. I locked the door before he could come in. "You snooze, you lose." I said through the door. Wooyoung laughed and I began to shower.

After finishing in the shower, I brushed my teeth and then got my clothes on.

After finishing in the shower, I brushed my teeth and then got my clothes on

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I then went back into Wooyoung's room and finished getting ready: styling my hair and applying a little bit of makeup. He went to shower and do whatever else he needed to do.

Wooyoung came back into the room. As I had finished he came over and pecked the top of my head saying "beautiful." I blushed at the compliment not knowing what to reply with.

We then decided to head downstairs to get some breakfast. I just had some fruit while Wooyoung had some toast.

"Do you not want anything else?" Wooyoung asked and then added "I can make you something if you want me to."

Sounds tempting. "I'm alright thanks Woo." As much as I love his cooking, we don't have time for him to make anything now.

"When are your mum and dad back from their work trip?"

"They should be back tomorrow." Wooyoung beamed.

"That's great! I can't wait to see them again. That two weeks has flew by." Wooyoung nodded in agreement and began telling me about what they have done on their work trip. He mentioned that they rang when I went in the shower.

I wish I had this much to tell him about my parents. At this moment, I envy his relationship with his parents. I wish my parents could be like his: caring, loving, compassionate and kind.

We finish our food and Wooyoung asked if I'm ready to leave. I nodded and we left to get to classes.

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