Chapter 12 (War Time)

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I jumped and sat up almost to fast for myself to handle. I looked at Akuhei and Hiroyuki as they slid down from my shoulders to my lap. My jaw dropped as I saw that both were still passed out. Hiroyuki then stretched and yawed. He hit the top of Akuhei's head when he did, but all Akuhei did was rub his eyes in return. No fighting, no feud. It was like they were best friends, wait, they had been before Akuhei had fallen in love with me. Then Hiroyuki met me and it start this whole mess. I watched as Akuhei and Hiroyuki sat up and both of them looked at me.

"Good morning, love." Akuhei said and kissed my forehead.

Well that seemed normal but I looked at Hiroyuki and he just looked away from me and Akuhei. What happened when I was asleep?

Suddenly a grin spread across Hiroyuki's face and he tilt his head back to look at me. He grabbed my head with his hands and pulled me closer to him. He placed his lips on mine for a second then pulled away and looked up at me.

" As sweet as ever, I see." he said.

I blushed and stood quickly out of bed. Hiroyuki continued laying on the bed as Akuhei followed me.

"I'll help you get dressed. You'll need to dress for the occasion." He said.

"what occasion?" I asked.

"Silly we are going to war so you'll have to dress the part." Hiroyuki whispered as he suddenly appeared inches behind me.

'WHAT!?!?!?!?' I basically screamed to myself.

"Ahhhhh.........????" I managed to get out.

"We'll explain after your dressed. Here." Akuhei explained as he handed me a dress.

He and Hiroyuki walked out of the room to leave me to get dressed myself. Well they aren't wasting anytime, now are they? I slipped into the tight fitting navy blue dress and put my hair up in ponytail. I left my chin length bangs out so that it would give a cute look to the pony tail. I stepped out of my room and closed the door behind me. I walked down to the main hall and made my way to the garden. I grabbed a book on my way out and made my way to the swinging bench. I sat and swung gently as I read the story.

" Hey, Miyu, It's time. follow me." I heard and looked up to see Hiroyuki. He was wearing the leather-ish outfit that he was wearing when I first met him.

"Where's Akuhei?" I asked.

"He's waiting for us inside.Now let's go" Hiroyuki grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

When we got inside I saw Akuhei standing to the side waiting for me and Hiroyuki. He was wearing something I would never expect him to wear. He had on a black kimono that reached his ankles. He wore only one sleeve of the black kimono and held a sword on his hip. The sword had to be at least half to his full height. His black hair was let down and reached his thighs. It was definitely longer then I thought. Hiroyuki led me up to Akuhei and let go of my hand when we reached him.

"So, will you explain to me now what the hell is going on with you two? What's up with this declaration of war shiz?" I asked I was agitated at the two of them for deciding this on there own. Though they weren't little boys I wish they would have at least talked with me before deciding to go to war with each other.

Akuhei looked up at me as Hiroyuki smiled," After you passed out last night I brought you to your room and had a serious talk with Hiroyuki," Akuhei began," we decided that who ever won is this battle of blood would get your heart and the other would leave while the victor would stay and marry you in a few days."

I was surprised. I had totally forgotten the marriage data was quickly approaching, but I still couldn't allow them to fight over me of all people. Fight of the dog or something, I don't deserve to be fought over. I looked at each of them for a moment each and saw in each of their eyes that I had no say in this matter. I hung my head and stepped back to the wall so that I wouldn't get in their way. I was going to watch no matter what they said and they could see that too. They looked at each other and bowed.

"Wish you luck, my friend, because after this fight end we will no longer be that of friends." Akuhei said.

"Back at you." Hiroyuki smiled at Akuhei.

Hiroyuki drew his sword that Akuhei had given his to make to fight equal. Akuhei drew his sword as well. they held them up to each others neck and took a few steps back. Suddenly I heard Minowa howl outside and everything started to fast. Akuhei and Hiroyuki disappeared for a mear second then there was a clash above. I looked to see Hiroyuki and Akuhei clashing their sword together. They disappeared again and were close to me now.

Hiroyuki looked to be a bit faster then Akuhei but I could clearly tell that Akuhei was stronger. Hiroyuki made a thrust forward and sliced the fabric on Akuhei's thigh and I saw a trickle of blood on the floor. I saw a fire light Akuhei's eyes. He swung the sword but Hiroyuki knocked it out of his hand and it spun through the air towards me. I jumped and began to shiver as the the cloth of the dress on my arm was pinned it to the wall by the sword.

Akuhei was extremely mad now. He walked over towards me and whispered to me.

"Don't worry. If you keep making that face it'll stay that way. I will fix everything and make it the way it was before. I've realized that Hiroyuki is not the friend I had when I was younger he's changed." Akuhei yanked the sword out of the wall and grasped the hilt tightly. He disappeared and when he was visible again he was sword to sword with Hiroyuki.

The fight continued for a few more minutes till I saw that things were getting serious. Suddenly I heard a big crash and saw Hiroyuki flying back and hit the wall opposite of me. I noticed blood spewing from his mouth. He fell to the ground in a mess. He tried to get up but he coughed and blood came from his mouth He's clearly lost. Akuhei put his sword in his sheath and stepped forward towards Hiroyuki. He stopped in front of him and looked down. He held out a hand to help Hiroyuki to stand," I win, I think its time for you to leave..."

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