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Once upon a time, there was this crazily deranged, bipolar, sociopath yet empathetic, stupid, but surprisingly genius person, who climbed up a random mountain.

They were enjoying the view, it was amazing after all, but suddenly a storm suddenly hit, and lightning blazed, she died and got turned into a cat.

"What the heck?"  

Was what she said, but quickly got on, it was useless to dwell on circumstances that she already saw and lived in

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Was what she said, but quickly got on, it was useless to dwell on circumstances that she already saw and lived in. So she adapted.

She found out that she had a system, she chose the powers she wanted, and then her stomach grumbled. She was hungry.

And so she went out the bush she was hiding in and explored the streets of night, quickly finding a pile of garbage, to which she found pizza.

"Finally, some f*cking food."

There were a total of 4 slices of pizza in the pizza box, and she was planning to eat all of them

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There were a total of 4 slices of pizza in the pizza box, and she was planning to eat all of them. As she finished eating the 3 other slices, a grey cat suddenly smashed into the last slice of pizza, decimating it.

And she was frozen like a block of ice. The grey cat left after looking around for something but found nothing. The only one left was her, staring at the smudged pizza.

"You ruined my food, and you gotta pay the price..."

Red and white lightning sparked around her feline frame as force aura erupted and decimated the surrounding garbage

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Red and white lightning sparked around her feline frame as force aura erupted and decimated the surrounding garbage. In an instant, she disappeared from her spot.

She flashed right in behind the cat, but there she saw two familiar faces. One was of a high school boy, and a chubby yellow cat.

"Hah, I now know where I'll get my new food."

Red and white lightning erupted as all three turned around to face her

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Red and white lightning erupted as all three turned around to face her. The grey cat oddly seemed aggressive and lunged at her.

But she easily dealt with it as she released a wave of red and white electricity. She turned to look at the high school boy and spoke.

"Hey Kid, feed me some food."

As she got to the home of the highschool boy, she was handed some food, and she ate 'til her heart was filled with content

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As she got to the home of the highschool boy, she was handed some food, and she ate 'til her heart was filled with content.

Strangely, or not strange at all, she enjoyed the cat food. She thought it was delicious! Was it because she had changed form?

She finished eating the food, and she suddenly remembered something, the kid from earlier called her "Ms. Cat.", well, ain't that wrong. She had a name.

"Hey Kid, my name is not Ms. Cat. I have a far cooler and better name,"

 I have a far cooler and better name,"

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"It's Vera Estelle."

Vera Estelle, an individual very common, yet very unique at the same time

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Vera Estelle, an individual very common, yet very unique at the same time. She had multiple problems in her personality, yet sometimes, they couldn't be considered as problems. 

They might even be regarded as positive in some points of view, she was a crazily deranged, bipolar, sociopath yet empathetic, narcisiscticly stupid, and suprisingly genius person.

As they say, the more unhinged a person is, the smarter they are. Though I'm not sure this would apply to her... even though she had a score of 164 at IQ.

Caught by the sudden storm of unfamiliarity of being transported to another world. How will she handle the new world she has set her paws on?

I doubt it wouldn't be chaotic, after all, she had the powers of electrokinesis, and at the scale that might be above the first awakener of electrokinesis.

Well, she certainly would be equal, if not over the first awakener of electrokinesis if she trains as hard as she could. Though she might just be able to without pulling much effort. 

After all, her name is... Vera Estelle. Vera means true, and Estelle would mean star. If both we combined, they would mean "True Star".

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