The Sweet Smell of my rose petal October

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The sweet scent that carries me like a whimsical flame where out into the words the stems of you would alway remain and like you had grown out of the ground and into the soil that popped out to say boo and that was just the jack o' lantern of you but it was indeed the sweet smell of my rose petals October.
~ Rosyred
The sweet smell of the words that brought me your heart and while typing fast just to observe the magic only caught me clean after the fact of where the rose petals of you left me where stranded in the forest and seeing the night beind the shade of the trees where the sun just peaks out enough for you to see it and it makes the night another sweet daylight of the October before we hit midnight.
~ BlueMoon
You came into the dark before you spoke my words and with just one touch of the wand you had casted your spell and I was mesmorized by the appearance of a night fall dream where if you had studied the moons reflection more closely you would see just how much of an atmosphere the night is when love has consumed every part of my wish list and before the October could come again you had wished and I had sent the rose petals of the night you kissed me wearing red in the moonlight of my dreams and a thousand words could never reach the stars that only rested on my heart as stories that won over my magic.
~ BlueMoon
Where you could rest your shoulders and draw out the stories inside of the pictures that were hidden inside of your scrapbook and then once you began to draw that picture of your bike it felt like all of the memories were coming back in the month you thought that you left them which was the november after the this past two years of october.
~ Rosyred
The last place we took a break and then the fall of that later day had came and we just could not stay away from the love that we both had for each other that was supposed to be a secret hidden deep beneath the leaves of the trees that only changed colors in this years fall of october.
~ Rosyred~ My Sweet Smell of the rose petals October~

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