Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising

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Three days had passed and Sal hadn't returned. The power also never came back on. Luckily there was a surplus of flashlights and battery-operated lanterns in the cabin. They didn't provide a ton of light at night, but just enough to be able to see what you were doing. Every day we would start up one of our cars to listen to the radio, but it always remained just static. With every passing day, I began to truly worry about our predicament, and we begin to run out of food. We had only brought enough fresh food up for the trip, but luckily Jerry and Rob kept some extra canned food in their pantry, and we had some fish we had caught. We still had a liquor cabinet left, one Rob and I eagerly wanted to break into to pass the time.

Jerry would shut us down and scold us however when we wanted to. This hadn't lasted us long and sooner or later we were gonna have to go look for more food Olivia had taken Sal's disappearance the worst and shut the rest of us out. Every time we tried to talk to her, she would shut us down. We wanted to take the boat out and try to talk to someone else, but we also didn't wanna leave Olivia alone. Even if we didn't like her we didn't want something bad happening to her. I had been worrying about Sal but also about my own family and other friends too.

We had seen a few boats pass by on the water, but they never heard us when we tried to call out to them. I harder a darker complexion than Rob and Jerry, who were a little pale. I didn't burn easily so I spent a lot of time out on the dock. Olivia would come out sometimes to the dock, and I would always go inside then to avoid the awkwardness. The military aircraft were still flying over frequently too. It was the fourth day for lunch when I went back to the pantry only to find two cans left.

"Hey Rob!" I called out.

"What?" He shouted from the kitchen.

"We gotta go get some food or something, you're almost out of cans," I said as I slammed the two down on the table.

"I know I wanna go up to that dollar general and gas station, but my brother won't let us, and I can't get around his truck."

"I won't let you do what?" Jerry stepped into the kitchen from the outside door. He was wearing all camouflage and holding a 12 gauge shotgun.

"Leave this damn cabin."

"We should wait until Olivia is ready."

"Fuck that! Sal is perfectly fine I'm sure. He always got out of whatever shit he got caught up in anyway. We're almost out of food, and it doesn't look like you brought any turkeys back with you."

Jerry looked down and shook his head. Aside from target practice, board games, and swimming; we had decided to start turkey hunting to pass the time also. It was more food, and it was still turkey season anyway.

"Out of entire lives here we've only killed two turkeys between both of us, if we want to get food from hunting, we're gonna need to hunt for other shit too," Rob continued talking.

"Like deer?" I asked, already knowing the obvious choice. Deer were in abundance around this area and it was our hunting spot in the wintertime.

"Yeah, and birds."

"Deer in this warm spring weather? Good luck," Jerry said as he set the gun down on the table.

"I saw two of them walking down here, and one in the woods the other day."

"It's not even deer season though."

"I doubt any game warden's gonna stop us," I joined the conversation.

"Especially if they're too busy fighting China or whatever," Rob laughed.

"Fine. But no more target practice, we've already gone through half of the ammo at the cabin. And if some invasion force is really out there, we have to be ready to defend ourselves," Jerry said.

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