Hey, Friends!

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Hi. It's been a while.

How have you been?

Well, it would appear that I've gone into a dormancy that seems to have done me no favors. I've neglected most of the stories I've done, and I'm a failure in doing that.

However, a new rendition of RWBY released, thanks to the glorious people at Studio Shaft. And since Crunchyroll has started putting out English Dubbed versions of the first few episodes (don't judge me, I just do not like hearing Ruby, Yang or anyone else in Japanese format. Especially since the VOs for said characters are the ones that exist in the original cut that our dearly departed Monty Oum created. Rest In Peace, by the way), I figured I could probably recreate my most popular book from scratch again.

Here's how we'll do this. We're going to be in a similar format to how I did the original, however, I'm going to take this to a time period that's between Beyond Light and Witch Queen, instead of Rise of Iron and Red War, which means, yes, Y/N finally gets to use Stasis. I bet you're all really excited about that.

Also, for purposes of my preference of Destiny play and such, the armor you're equipped with is associated to our dear friend Drifter and the illicit activities of Gambit, with the many weapons we play with along the way. I've got new favorites for that too, like Le Monarque and No Land Beyond to say a couple, though Last Word, Ace and the MIDA tools will remain in your repertoire.

I hope to try to be a little more cohesive with my writing in this book, attempting to make it contain less writing errors and slowly releasing these chapters as Crunchyroll slowly but surely rolls out these dubbings of Shaft's beautiful rendition of this anime.

I'm glad this got released though, as I'll get to re-acquaint myself with my favorite anime... and maybe sooner or later, I might play with My Hero Academia or maybe go back to the original and play around with one Kasane Randall of Scarlet Nexus... spoiler alert on that, that's my favorite game ever now, and I love the Psychokinetics of it... actually, I'm already getting ideas on that!

But before I get too carried away, to anyone who still is a witness to my books... which actually seems to be quite a few new people as it seems, thank you for the reading list additions and stuff you've done that tell me I'm still not a no one on this platform called Wattpad, despite my horrifying absence of several months without a single thought to place on my books.

But either way... let's see how we can spin this tale again, before Savathun and The Witness tear apart everything we know.

P.S. Fuck Savathun and everything she stands for on Legend difficulty. Had to cheese her for endless super with my Hunter just to beat her. AND THAT TOOK THREE DAYS!!!

RWBY: Ice Queendom, a Redux of Red GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now