°Room 202° Ellis × femreader

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•~☆mature content ahead :D☆~•
¤sexual content
¤mature language

SCENE: Ellis and you walked close together through the hallways of an abandoned motel. The place had been crawling with infected before you guys came in and kicked MAJOR ass.

"Well i'd say we did a damn good job clearing the place out y/n." Ellis said with a smirk as he elbowed your shoulder.

"Yeah, now we need to do a damn good job of actually finding supplies so coach doesn't get mad." You scoffed, rolling your eyes sarcastically.

Ellis nodded in response and continued walking with you. The two of you searched a couple different rooms but had yet to find anything worth taking.

"Room 202? Are we feelin' good about this one?" Ellis joked yet again.

You walked in first, clearing the room of any potential danger, Ellis following close behind.

"All clear, look at all these bags! There's gotta be at least ONE thing worth taking." You said as you began to tear through the abandoned luggage.

Ellis let out a large sigh before falling back on to one of the beds. His legs dangled off the foot of the bed, he slid his hat down over his face and put his hands behind his head. This caused his shirt to barley expose his stomach, practically teasing your imagination. The truth is, you were madly in love with Ellis. It was almost love at first sight. You continued to look through the junk but would occasionally sneak a peek of Ellis' partially exposed happy trail.

"Why do you keep lookin' back at me?" Ellis questioned while letting out a soft laugh.

"W-what?? I'm just making sure you're ok." You responded, visibly flustered.

"Ah, sure." Ellis replied.

"Sure? What are you talking about I just wanna make sure you're not dying." You said, still barely showing your face which was practically glowing red from embarrassment.

"C'mere." Ellis said as he patted the other side of the bed.

You hesitated, but decided to go sit on the bed with Ellis. He repositioned himself before speaking again.

"You ok?" He questioned.

"Yes. I'm fine." You replied, avoiding eye contact.

Ellis let out a sigh and then engulfed your hand in his. Your heart was pounding, your cheeks were hot, and you could barely breathe.

"Y/n, I feel like things have been... I don't know, weird? You barely even look at me anymore!" Ellis explained, still holding your hand.

"Ellis, no it's nothing like that! You're my best friend." You said softly, looking into his eyes.

He looked like he was processing something as he stared at you with his pretty blue eyes. His lips parted as if he was going to say something, but instead he let out a soft breath. His hand left yours and crept up your arm to your face. His calloused hands were rough on your cheek, but that didn't bother you. All you could think about was what was going to happen next.

"Ellis..." You whispered.

His hand left your face quickly and he moved to the end of the bed, he sat on the edge with his face in his palms.

"I'm sorry, i-i don't know what I was doin' i shouldn't have done that I'm sorry. I am real embarrassed." He spoke.

You giggled softly and moved down to the end of the bed as well. You sat next to him, resting your head on his shoulder and resting your hand on his thigh. He practically flinched at the touch.

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