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" I would have never woke up from my dream,
If I know you'll not be my side. "


 Anika and Avinash went towards the room but before they could open it, they heard Avinash’s mother, Sarika’s voice that made both of them look at each other.
“As Avinash’s grandmother wants to see his marriage as early as possible, and Avinash also decided to settle in India now, we are looking”
“That’s good, then is there any girl in your mind?” Suma, Anika’s mother asked.
“We are thinking of my niece, Swathi, I think she’d be a perfect choice for Avinash and moreover they both know each other from childhood,” Sarika said thinking about how both of them looked together. Suddenly Avinash barged into the room.
“Mom, why are you deciding for me? Please… I said no I’m not interested in getting married. Moreover, none of my classmates are married. Give me some time mom” Avinash said in an annoying and requesting tone.
How can she decide for him, without knowing his heart? He still hasn’t recovered from his past heartbreak. He saw the woman who is the reason for him to say those words, she was looking at him.
“Avinash, how can you say that? Some of your friends were already married, Anika attended their marriage too. We are also seeing matches for Anika.” Suma said like she wasn’t lying at all.
Anika looked at her like when they started looking for matches, they didn't even talk to her?

Wow mom, you are very great at lying.
While Avinash, here is trying to avoid it by any means, and there Anika she was already preparing to get married. Great! Has she even loved him at any time?
“Good aunty,” Avinash said to Suma and turned to Sarika. “Mom, I’ll get married but please give me some time, first let me get settled in India.”
“God, you agreed, your grandmother would be very happy” Sarika prayed to god and turned to Suma “Thank you, Suma Ji”
“It’s nothing, I’ve said some truth.” Suma said to Sarika and turned to Avinash “what do you mean by settling Avinash? I think your company has a branch in India, you can do job there right?
“Branch in India doesn’t offer me a high salary for my position, So I’ve resigned there, and have to apply for companies here,” Avinash said politely.
“Don’t worry, you’ll do great” Suma said, motivating him.
“Hope so, thanks aunty”
Now Anika thought it was her time to speak since in front of their mothers he wouldn’t ignore her, right?
“All the best Avinash, you’ll get anything you want” Anika tries to voice as cheerful as she can, but she’s a hell lot nervous inside.
‘What I want is you’ is Avinash's inner voice.
She even changed to calling him from Avi, after all, that he can expect, sure she changed a lot. He tried to smile and muttered “Thanks,…Anika”
Anika smiled at him, but she knew he was forced to do so. Then Sarika interrupted their eye contact.
“I think Anika will help Avinash, since they are friends, now I don’t have to worry about his marriage”
“Ahh, Umm…Sure…Aunty” Anika said slowly, stuttering while trying to smile as naturally as she wanted to.
“Now I think I too can feel assured with Avinash here, I think he too will help,” Suma said.
“I’ll aunty, don’t worry,” Avinash said just like from his heart.
Tears formed in Anika’s eyes. What position have they both got themselves into? Why should they help each other in marriage when they love each other? She shouldn’t have declined him then? Otherwise, they both would already have been married by now. She blinked her tears before they could fall and expose her love for him.
“I think it would be better for us to leave or Anika will be late to her institute,” Suma said and left from there.
What institute? Avinash thought. He sure has a lot to catch up on here.
Avinash went with Anika and Suma to bid goodbye and he saw her car, Benz. That too is the latest model. Sure her dream to own Benz has now been fulfilled. Sure she mustn’t be just a lecturer else she couldn’t buy Benz.
Now’s the time to dig information in India, Avinash thought. He called a number and the contact name showed Ganesh.

 He called a number and the contact name showed Ganesh

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Happy Dussehra All..

It is festival to kill your fears,

Now kill all your fears and be brave.

See you soon,

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