Going home

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After the kiss I had with Jack it makes me feel so guiltily because I'm leaving tomorrow and he knows but he wants a long distant relationship but I don't want one because I don' think i could deal with a long distant relationship but lets just see how it goes. I'm just cooking dinner and then Nick, Josh and Jack walk in after spending time at the club, they were so drunk it was kinda funny "HeY sIsTeR fRiEnD" Josh slurred "BrO yOuR sO lOuD, ShUt Up!" Nick yelled "No!" Yelled Josh "LeTs Go To BeD!" Nick slurred "Ok" josh agrees I couldn't stop myself from laughing of how they were literally yelling at each other, after Nick and Josh go to bed its just leaves Jack and I "YoUr So HoT" Jack slurred while smirking "Jack stop" I giggled "I lOvE yOu Y/n" Jack said "I love you too but now you need to go to bed" I said while giggling "HmMmM nO" Jack slurred then he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer to him "I want you" he says while looking deep into your eyes "Jack come on your drunk" I said trying to pull away but he just keeps pulling you closer "Jack!" I started to laugh "what y/n?" He asks while smirking "your drunk and I'm not having sex with you" I said then pulling away "I'm not that drunk" he slurs  with a cheeky grin "come on you had enough for tonight bedtime" I say while trying to take him to the couch "no I wanna sleep with you" jack whines "but you can't I'm leaving tomorrow" I say while stroking his head "wait where are you going" he says concerned "goodnight!" I say trying to end the conversation and quickly running to my room and locking the door before he could enter "y/n where are you going?" Jack said trying to open the door "nowhere, now go to bed" I say through the door then I walk to my bed setting my alarm for 4am so I can make it to my my plane at 5am. Ringggggg! Ring! My alarm goes off, I turn off my alarm and quickly get ready for my flight, after packing my bags I leave my room to see Jack sleeping right outside my door this made me feel so guilty that I started to tear up so I made a small letter to jack to say goodbye and apologise. I arrive at the airport to see my whole team "morning guys" I say while walking up to them "want a coffee" one of my teammates asked "yes please" i replied "hey you don't look okay" Taylor told me "no I'm not and I'll tell you later" I replied "is it about jack?" She asked "yes tay it is, I feel like I've fallen for him so hard that I don't want to leave here and I wanna be with him but I know I can't because the whole media will go crazy about how a Freo player with a Collingwood player, could you imagine all that hate I would get" I explained "oh shit, your in for a lot then, your like going through a lot but would you leave us to go play for our rivals because I swear if you do I'm literally not going to be your friend" Taylor stated "girl I'm never going to leave I'm just going to try and ignore him" I replied "that's my girl" Taylor nudged me I just smiled but I don't know how I'm going to ignore him. Finally we are home back in Perth "alright girls we still got some training coming up but this time we are going to train harder collingwood nearly got to us so more training and fitness okay?" Our coach announced "Yes coach" we all agreed then we all left, I got home to my apartment and I just sighed "its going to be fi-" Bing!Bing!Bing!bing!bing!bing! My phone cut me off, I looked at my notifications at see jack kept messaging me about where I was

Jack Ginnivan 🏉
Hey y/n! Where are you?

Y/n? Hello? Where are you?


Where did you go?

I'm freaking out!

Tell me where you are?

                                  I went home xx

Wait what your back in Perth?


I just turned off my phone Y/n your supposed to ignore him I thought to myself, I decided to post on my Instagram so say I'M HOME!. After doing some work i got really bored so I decided to turn on the tv to watch a movie but there wasn't anything good on so I turned off the tv and decided to face time Carly "hey Carly!" I said "hey how are you?" She replied "I'm good but lonely" I said while fake crying "Ha! Unlucky!" She laughed "your like so rude you know that right?" I told her "i know but I just state facts" she says as she flips her hair sassily "whatever" I laugh "you jack was looking for you he kinda seemed freaked out" she said a bit concerned "oh don't worry about it" I said while fake smiling "y/n is there something wrong?" She asked "nothing everything is fine" i replied "mkay" she said while nodding "anyway I need to go mum is calling me" she replied "okay bye then love you!" I said while blowing kisses "bye weirdo!" She laughed "bitc-" she cut me off by hanging up on me "now back to my lonely self.. great..." I said while laying down on the floor.

Authors note:
I'm going to do a huge time skip to when the male footy teams play so the story line I'm going for is that the two y/n and jack will forget about them hooking up but they meet up again because y/n goes to visit her family in Melbourne and she goes to watch the Collingwood game and jack see her then I have no idea what will happen next but i can't spoil to much but yeah that's the storyline I'm going for also fun fact it's literally 1am and I might write my next chapter right now who knows? Stay safe xx

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