02 | lucid dreams

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❛ 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 ༉‧₊˚

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Diluc always seems to have the same dream ever since he left Monstadt.

That one dream always awoke him from his slumber - his lungs gasping for air and his heart pumping faster.

No, he couldn't call it a dream.

It was nothing but a nightmare, haunting him like a persistent bug.

He tried consuming sleeping pills, changing sleeping postures and habits, tried meditation yet none of them worked.

He was here yet again.

In that same dream of his.

The redhead stood before the scene playing out, his hands shaking and eyes trembling.

He should've been numb after seeing this scene play out so many times. 

Tears shouldn't be slipping out of his eyes, his heart shouldn't be clenching so painfully and his lungs shouldn't gasp for air so loudly.

Yet here he was, once again.

It was always this dream.

Diluc wanted to look away but it was as if he lost control over his own body.

'Look away, look away, look awa-'

His mind chanted yet his eyes stayed in front of him.

On his past self who was yelling out loudly in rage and hurt.

At Kaeya, his younger brother.

Who did nothing but take the hurtful words without uttering any words in defence.

"Say something!" The past Diluc yelled out as he clenched his hand towards his chest where his heart was beating so furiously.

"What am I supposed to say?" Kaeya laughed bitterly. "That I am nothing but a tool sent by my father who abandoned me for my homeland? One which doesn't even exist anymore?"

Diluc felt himself biting his lip in order to contain his cries.

He couldn't watch it anymore but he was forced to watch the worst moment of his life flash in front of him.

𝗗𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗞-𝗗𝗔𝗭𝗘𝗗 ≡ kaeya & dilucWhere stories live. Discover now