Chapter 9

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Everyone came downstairs and we started eating
Previous chapter ^^^^

Time skip to Friday

Me and Alexa woke up around 1pm
Y/n:okay we for real need to pack
Alexa:yeah we do
Y/n:help me pack first since we are here then I can go over yours then I will help you
Alexa:sounds like a plan but first let's go eat something
Y/n:okay let's get up from my bed
We both got out of my bed and we put on our shoes and we went to the kitchen to see if there was any food
Y/n: wanna go to dennys
Alexa:sign me up
Y/n:let's invite the triplets
Alexa:good idea
Y/n:okay let me text Matt

Me and Alexa woke up around 1pm Y/n:okay we for real need to pack Alexa:yeah we do Y/n:help me pack first since we are here then I can go over yours then I will help you Alexa:sounds like a plan but first let's go eat somethingY/n:okay let's get u...

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Y/n:okay let's get in the car and drive
Alexa:to the triplets house
We went outside and got into my car and I drove to the triplets house after we got there I texted Matt that I'm here after a few minutes they came out their door and got in the car

Chris-I'm ready to grub that French toast
Matt-imma get my chocolate chip pancakes
Chris-those are gross
Nick-here we go again
Matt-shut up chris no they are not
Chris-like who likes chocolate chip pancakes
Matt-I do
Nick-both of y'all shut the fuck up
Y/n-are y'all done fighting kids so we can go
Alexa-listen to your mother
Chris-oh no you didn't
Nick-oh yeah she did now shut up so we can get there
Y/n-okay I'm just gonna drive there
After a few minutes we finally got to dennys we all got out of the car and went inside and they sat us at a table and gave us the menus 

Alexa-already know what im getting
Y/n-same i been craving french toast
Matt-ouuu that sounds good but imma get my pancakes
Chris-i like pancakes but waffles man
Nick-okay who the fuck orders a salmon here omg thats horrible
Y/n- ewww i bet its gross
Alexa-i bet it's not even real salmon
Nick- i agree
The waiter came back and took our orders and after a few minutes they came back with our food we said our thank you and we began to eat

Matt-so yall exicted for new york
Alexa-fuck yeah
Y/n- have yall packed yet
Nick-i need to pack
Y/n- okay good me and alexa arent the only ones
Chris-have yall heard from cassie and kaden
Y/n-i dont think any of us have
Alexa-i will text cassie and double check if they are coming with
We got finished eating and we paid for us food and i went to go drop off the triplets at there house
Matt-be here by 5 or 6
Y/n-okay i will be here at 5
Matt-and i will be waiting
We went back to my house and alexa helped me pack and made sure i didnt forget anything after we got done with mine we did the exact same thing for alexa

To be continued.........

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