Hope Gets Hurt

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The super squad fights a very powerful monster with a weapon that weakens Hope. A new friendship is formed. 

P.S. Landon and Hope aren't together and Landon is a good guy in this story. Also, when I tell ya'll that some roasting is going on in this chapter. So be prepared to laugh. 

Here we go. I really Hope you guys like this. 


With Hope 

Hope is in her room looking over her grandmother Esters grimoires for this new monster that's in town. 

Hope was out in town by the lake trying to figure out how to get rid of Malivore without turning full tribrid. 

Hope ended up being in pain for some reason. Her wolf was telling her something or something was near. Hope looked out beyond the lake and saw two pair of green eyes looking at her. She heard a hissing sound as the monster turned and swam away. 

Someone knocks on Hope's door.

"Yeah?" Hope calls out while keeping her eyes on the grimoire. 

"Hope it's Landon. I think I found something about the new monster." Landon said from outside of Hope's door. 

She's glad she and Landon are very good friends now. Their breakup was hard get over, but they learned to stay friends. Landon and Hope both respect each other. 

Hope grins a little. "Hurry up and come in here." Hope said.

The door opens and it's Landon with a book in his hand. 

"Okay, so I think it's the Egyptian God Apep the brother of Ra." Landon said while shutting the door. 

Hope's eyes widened. "WHAT?! How is that even possible, Landon?" Hope takes the book out of Landon's hands. 

"Hope, that's the only serpent I know, I've read about Egyptian history. Apep is the god of chaos and destruction Hope." Landon points to where he was just reading. 

"Shit!" Hope closing the book. "Landon, what else do you know about Apep?" The auburn asked. 

"Well, I know he's manipulator like any other snake, but Apep is evil. He can shed his skin, and once he does that he has more power. Hope, Apep could easily drink your blood and become the most powerful serpent on the face of earth. All because you're a tribrid." Landon explains. 

Hope sighs. "Where are we going to hide my blood, Landon? Snakes have a high sense of smell."

"Damn, I forgot about that. We need to set up a barrier that keeps him out of the town, and trap him here." Landon suggested.

"So two days ago Apep was here, causing chaos outside of Mystic Falls, he's been biting people, Landon. He's coming here towards the school." Hope said getting off her bed.

"Where are you going?" Landon asked standing up. 

"Get the super squad to meet me in the grand hall." Hope said opening the door.

Landon nods. "Okay." Landon grabs the book before leaving Hope's room. 


With the super squad 

Lizzie is sitting in a chair looking at Finch who has her arm around Josie.

Lizzie speaks up. "So is there a reason why you're here Finch?" Lizzie asked with her arms crossed. 

MG groans. "Lizzie, don't." MG said to her. 

Lizzie ignores him. "Well?" Lizzie asked getting impatient. 

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