Hope's Turn (Part 2)

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Josie asks Hope something serious while they're out by the flower field. Landon feels bad about what happened to Josie.


With Landon

Landon is in his room sitting at his desk trying not to cry. It's been hard on him for what went down with Josie. Landon begins to pack his clothes, he knows Josie doesn't want him here anymore or Hope for that matter.

"Hey Landon, I..."  Hope stops when she sees him with a duffel bag.

Landon turns to see Hope standing there. "Oh hey Hope."

"What are you doing?" Hope raises a brow at him.

"I'm leaving." Landon stated.

"Why?" Hope questions him.

"Because it's my fault why Finch attacked Josie. I'm not strong or anything. I couldn't even protect her! I'm useless! I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. So I'm going to leave." Landon said with tears falling down his face.

"Landon, what happened to Jo, is not your fault. Don't you know it'll crush her if you leave without saying goodbye. She's been trying to talk to you all morning." Hope grabs his hand and  strokes it with his thumb.

"She has?" Landon asked looking at Hope.

"Yes stupid." Hope laughs a little. "Don't leave. You know Josie would set you on fire if you do."

Landon nods. "I uh...don't want to be burnt to crisp."

"And besides, you and Lizzie are friends now. Take that as a win." Hope said rubbing his back.

Landon smiles. "Yeah, Lizzie is fun to be around."

"See that's the spirit. You know we can help right? I know your powers are gone, but you do know there are witches in this school right?" Hope nudges him.

Landon chuckles. "Yeah. Can I go see Jo?"

"Duh. Go." Hope pushes him gently.

Landon goes towards Hope's room and opens the door. He sees Josie eating some oatmeal.

"Hey." Josie said with a mouth full of oatmeal.

"Hey Jo. I see you're feeling better." Landon said sitting down in a chair that's beside Hope's bed.

"Yeah, but I'm more concerned about this bracelet." Josie told him.

"Josie this is...." Landon gets cuff by Josie.

"Landon if you say that this is your fault or if you try to leave me, I will fry you." Josie glares at him.

Landon gulps. "Um...okay." Landon chuckles nervously.

Josie's eyes widens. "Did you try to leave?"

"I thought you and Hope would be better off without me. I've caused enough problems." Landon said sadly.

Josie reaches over and smacks his head.

"Ow! Jo, that hurt." Landon said rubbing his head.

"I don't care if it did hurt. Landon, I forgave you already you loon, and besides you and Lizzie are best friends now. Do you want to ruin that, because she'll do more damage than me if she found out about this." Josie crosses her arms.

"Good point. Don't tell Lizzie." Landon said with a nod.

"Right. This is our secret." Josie said to him.

Hope walks in with a smile. "Oh good you're still alive." Hope said going over to sit beside Josie.

"Baby!" Josie punches her shoulder.

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