She's Got the Look

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Nikki moves his hand to the button of my shorts, fumbling with his fingers in an attempt to undo them as he continues his conversation with his bandmates. I jerk my left hand to meet his, stopping his attempt to undress me in the middle of the bar. The heat compiling in my core tempts me to let him continue, but I don't want to unravel in public. Having my first sexual encounter with Nikki in front of everyone isn't my style.  He looks at me subtly, the expression on his face asking why I'm stopping him. I shake my head in response but make no attempt to remove my hand from his. Nikki lets go of the button and moves his hand back down to my thigh. I pick up the short crystal glass in front of me, and suddenly remember that two nearly full drinks are waiting for me to finish them and suck down as much of the rum and coke as I can in one gulp. If I'm going to make it through the rest of the night sitting next to Nikki, I need as much alcohol as I can handle. 

"To the new album, new video, and these girls, girls, girls!" Vince shouts as he raises his glass in cheers. The guys meet him in the middle, beer bottles in hand while I just sit watching. Before Nikki clinks his bottle, he looks over at me and jerks his head toward the cheers. I lift my bottle to meet theirs as the guys whoop and cheer. We simultaneously lift our drinks to our lips, take a big gulp, and smack our drinks back on the table, erupting back into the conversation. Time passes quickly, and the empty bottles and glasses pile up in the center of the table. My head feels fuzzy with the alcohol moving through my body, but I don't stop myself from chugging the next one that Nikki sits in my hand. A new song starts playing through the bar and I pause to listen to the familiar rhythm, hushing the guys back out of their conversation. A smile spreads across my face as I hear the familiar lyrics clear as day. 

Now listen up
She's a razor sharp
If she don't get her way
She'll slice you apart
Now she's a cool, cool
Moves like a cat
If you don't get her name
You might not make it back

"That's you guys!" I stand up out of excitement, bumping the table and threatening to spill our full drinks over, and sending most of the empties crashing to the floor. I jump up and down in excitement as I make my way up and plant both of my feet on the bench of the booth. The plush leather under my feet makes me stumble, and I grab Nikki's shoulder in an attempt to steady myself. I slam back the rest of my rum, grab my beer, and take a step up onto the table to cheers from people all around the room. Esme's coming back out to play. 

She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh
She's got the look

I dance in small circles, swaying my hips around. Taking sips in between my moves, I continue in small circles, dancing around as seductively as I can. The music becomes louder, only encouraging me. The guys continue cheering below as I drop to my knees mouthing the lyrics. Vince begins to sing, harmonizing with his own voice. Just as I crawl closer to sing along with Vince, half a dozen girls come stampeding over to the table. 

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE MÖTLEY CRÜE!" they appear to say in unison before erupting into screams. I lift the half-empty bottle to my lips as I stand myself back up, ignoring the chaos of the boys nearly being devoured below me, and whip my head around, flinging my blonde hair over my shoulders. Grabbing the rims of my ripped shirt,  I pull it up over my head exposing the lacey bra beneath, and toss it onto Nikki's lap. Vince and Tommy stare directly back up, momentarily distracting them from the attention of the banshees now surrounding them. 

Nikki lifts my shirt in the air like a trophy and spins it in circles over his head. The song ends, but I can't help but continue twirling, lost in the momentum that I had built up over the last few minutes. I feel two hands on my legs, holding me steady. Looking down to see Nikki now standing in front of the booth. I must have missed when he switched places with Tommy and Vince who are now sitting where he once was, each with a girl hanging off of them. Nikki takes his hands off of my legs and holds them out for me to take in my own, to help me down from the impromptu stage. I stand there just holding his hands, which nearly envelope mine. I'm not small by any means, but being in front of Nikki makes me feel as though I am, even though the top of his head only comes up to my hips due to the height of the table.

"Come on down, girl, before you fall. I'll catch ya," he says with a wink. Placing his hands on my hips, I take a leap of faith and land directly on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. The feel of his warmth surrounding me makes me shiver slightly. I meet his eyes as we are now level with each other for the first time. "Told ya I'd catch you," he says smirking. He spins us around and around, my heart pounding with dizziness building in my head. Suddenly he stops, peering into my eyes again. I can hear nothing but the pounding of my heart as I close the space between us and crash my lips onto his. At first, his lips are tense, but his brain soon catches up to what's happening and he kisses back, hard. I part my lips slightly, allowing his tongue to explore my mouth. He tastes like alcohol, but I know I probably do too. But nothing else matters at this moment. Our kiss intensifies and I try to find a way to pull myself tighter to him. Feeling his groin match up to mine, I attempt to grind myself lightly back and forth and can sense my shorts moisten as the familiar warmth pools inside me. Nikki responds by moving his hands from my back and supporting my ass instead. The way he moves his hands lightly against my skin drives me crazy. The whistles and shouts around us bring me back to Earth, remembering that we are, in fact, in a room full of people. Sometime after we got here the bar went from being semi-full to nearly packed.  Startling us out of our embrace, we reluctantly pull apart. Nikki stands me back on my feet but keeps his hand on the small of my back to ensure I stay steady, my head still spinning from both the kiss and dizziness from that encounter, and my legs feel like total Jell-O. Still hot from the moment we just shared, I pull Nikki in close once more.

"Wanna lead me to somewhere a little more private? Maybe the bathroom," I ask with a sultry look. Nikki doesn't respond and just grabs my hand, leading me away from the previously full booth where Mick now sits alone, nursing his own Jack and Coke. I didn't even see Tommy and Vince disappear with their newest entourage. Nikki continues to pull me with him, more and more intensely with every step. And with each step, doubt trickles through me. Can I do this and fuck a rock star in a seedy bar bathroom? Fuzzy from the drinks I've devoured, I try my best to get over the nasty feeling brewing inside. I know I want this, but what girl doesn't? It's Nikki Sixx! We round the corner at the top of the stairs and Nikki rips open the women's bathroom door. I slam into him and stagger back confused at the sudden lack of momentum. He stands frozen as I open my mouth in question, moving to stand next to him. My jaw drops wide open at the sight that left Nikki speechless. Vince and Tommy are facing the far wall, each with their pants unbuckled and pulled to their ankles, with heads of teased hair attached to their cocks. They lean forward in unison to snort a line of thin white powder, evident to me as cocaine, though I've never seen it before in person. The girls continue to get into it and show no signs of slowing down or stopping as Nikki clears his throat, causing the debauchery twins to finally notice our entrance. I turn on my heel and quickly descend the stairs before any of them say a word. Moving back toward our original booth I hear Nikki coming down after me. Whatever had me ready to follow him into that bathroom and do God knows what disappeared after the scene I just witnessed. Such a flagrant display of what it truly means to hang with rockers nearly knocks me sober. Nikki catches up to me just as I get back to the booth that Mick is still sitting in. 

"Wow," is all I had to say before Mick hands me another drink that he must have ordered during our brief interlude. That's the last fluid memory I have of the evening. The rest comes in waves, but I mostly remember being given drink, after drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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