Chapter 13

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"Hey zoro what's up?" You ask taking a sip of your water "what's you last name" he ask out of the blue "um why" you ask "I need to figure something out so tell me" " l/n"
He gives you a nod and walks out.

"Weirdo" you whisper,suddenly thinking back to the furit you had for almost your whole life like can you even eat it now,when dose it expire,if I eat it will I get sick.

~time skip (the next morning)~
You sit up on your bed and stretch you can hear faint screams .quickly getting up and putting on a shirt you walk out and see Luffy standing in front of someone he didn't have a shirt on and he had a hat and he was just sitting there on the side of the ship like nothing while nami held on to sanji hiding behind him luffy was just standing there staring at the man completely unfazed.

Then suddenly he was smiling like a idiot and it made my heart melt he yelled out a name you couldn't quite understand what he said but you know he was excited to see the man and the man was even more excited the tow were just laughing and hugging like thy have known each other since they were children.

After finding the courage to walk up to your captain and his unknown friend you asked the question everyone else was dying to ask "luffy who's this?" The two stop what they were doing and everyone looked at you and then back to luffy and the stranger luffy smiled at you "this is....."
Take the L got y'all on your toes sorry again for the late update at this point I have to get Siri to remind me to post lol 😂

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