Chapter 3 - False Expectations

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So this is what heaven is like, huh? I thought dreamily.

When I opened my eyes I found the beautiful pianist staring down at me with wide, solemn eyes. Her raven hair poured down and I could feel a few soft strands tickling my cheeks. Up close, her rosy face looked so sweet my fingers itched to reach up and touch her.

I grinned, "Hey, pretty."

She lifted an eyebrow then grabbed a fistful of my shirt and yanked me towards her like a rag doll.

"Listen, you filthy brat," she growled, "You just ruined the grand plan I've been working on for ages, so from now on you better do everything I tell you, got it?"

My jaw fell. I was too stunned to reply. Everything I had imagined this girl might be - delicate, shy, adorable - crumpled and burned to ashes in a matter of seconds.

She then added, "And make sure you call me Lady Sirena."

"What grand plan?" I pulled myself free of her grasp, "And Lady? Seriously? So I'm supposed to be Lord Caleb?" a murderous look flashed in her eyes, I quickly continued, "And what is this place anyway?"

I examined my surroundings, noting that we were in what seemed to be a forest thick with dark green trees and plants. The spot we were in was shady but a few streaks of sunshine seeped through the rustling leaves. I could hear birds twittering cheerfully in the distance. The air was moist and smelled of fresh soil. Only then did I realize that – I'm alive.

The sour memories came rushing back. I looked down and found my shirt coated in dark, dried blood. I lifted it hastily, expecting the worst. All I found, however, was a grim scar I had never seen before. I searched my chest in various places, but felt no pain whatsoever. Even the scar seemed to have healed completely.

A million questions raced through my mind. How? How long have I been unconscious? How did I survive? Even more importantly, how did she survive? Baffled, I glanced up questioningly at Sirena.

As if she had read my thoughts, she said, "Save your questions for some time later."

She stood up and I noticed she was still in the charcoal dress and heels she had been wearing at the competition. She began striding forward with her slender legs, leaving behind an air of authority, as if she expected me to follow her obediently.

"Why should I listen to you?" I squealed.

Sirena glared at me and stated flatly, "I saved your butt."

I couldn't argue with that. I sighed and jogged next to her, trying to ignore the fact that she was taller than me. We walked for some time in the forest until the amount of trees and plants began to decrease. Soon we entered a small, calm town.

Sirena entered a clothes store threw an outfit at me, "I don't think you should walk around with all that blood on you."

I put on brand new, comfortable clothes and discarded my previous ones in the trash. I was stunned to meet my reflection in the mirror, though. My face was relatively clean, even clear of pimples. Only my brown hair was grubby and sprinkled with twigs. I tried to smooth it down, but to no avail.

Finally Sirena emerged from the changing room. She had switched into a baggy purple shirt, skinny jeans, and trainers. She then tied her hair back in a ponytail, which revealed the smooth curve of her neck. I had to remind myself that she wasn't the innocent girl I thought she was.

When Sirena started towards the shop's door, I asked, "Aren't you going to pay?"

Smirking, she motioned to the man sitting on the counter. He was at least seven decades old. His head hung limply, bobbing up and down like a drinking bird toy. I shrugged and bounded after her.

As soon as we got out, though, a navy blue car screeched towards our direction. I expected it to stop at any moment, but it only gained even more speed as it approached us head-on.

We were about to turn into Play Doh.

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