Chapter Two

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Evening snuck up on us. We spent all afternoon exploring the vacation home's many pools, gardens, and rooms. Before we had to be separated, the boys wanted to swim in the girls' suite. This, of course, resulted in the whole ordeal of getting ready.

Kira chose an elaborate pink swimsuit with mesh fabric that joined a bikini top and frilly skirt. Serenity wore a yellow one-piece with white stripes and flowers on the straps. Karter had on a modest black sports top and long green swim shorts. Frances dawned what she called "a traditional seaweed wrap" around her chest and wore a pair of jean shorts.

I suddenly felt... Weird.

Their slender figures danced about gracefully, mocking me in flattering swimwear and cellulite-free skin.

"You coming, Roxie?" Kira asked after the other girls had left.

I was staring at my one-piece turquoise swimsuit, suddenly hating the idea of putting it on. "Um... Give me a minute."

"Hey girl, you alright?" My friend looked at me with loving concern.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

She paused before she smiled, nodded, and ran off to join the others.

The Sun was going down. I watched it disappear through the glass patio door. I sat on my bed, next to the swimsuit, and let out a long, angry sigh. I closed my eyes and laid back, sinking into the soft sheets and trying to imagine myself with a smaller waist.

"W-What're you doing in here? You're missing all the fun," Mike's voice suddenly stuttered from beside the bed.

I jumped up and forced a smile. "I'm just a little tired. Traveling always wears me out."

Mike sat at my side. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and black swimming trunks. "Y-You d-don't want to swim?"

"I don't know yet."

His eyes wandered to the discarded swimsuit beside me, then to where Kira and Serenity were daring Derek to jump through the hole in the ground. He blinked a few times, like he always did when he had an idea or realization.

Then, much to my surprise, Mike stood up and lifted up the hem of his swim shirt. I watched with burning cheeks while he took it off. It fell to the floor at his feet. The last ray of Sun reached through the ceiling and touched Mike's hair. He glowed, smiling with shy eyes.

"I'll meet you in the pool, R-Roxie," he said, then ran to the waterfalls and jumped.

"OH COME ON!" Derek yelled in defeat. "I WAS GONNA DO IT FIRST!"

I stood there, speechless and flustered, until my brain finally re-activated and I ran to the bathroom. I changed quickly, without looking in the mirror once, and jumped after him.

"REALLY, GUYS?!" I heard Derek exclaim from above as I fell through the air.

Wind rushed past me, tangling my hair and chilling me to life. I flattened my arms against my straightened legs and cut into the water with a sploot. I closed my eyes as I went under, sinking until I lost breath. Then I exploded back to the surface, screaming.

Mike, who was beside me now, laughed and cheered as I did. We twirled in the gentle waves, diving under, observing plants and fish of a thousand colours. His colours blended with mine when we raced through the water. We were a whirlwind as we climbed the floating rock stairs back up to the third floor. We jumped again. Then again, and again, and again until we lost our breath.

 Then again, and again, and again until we lost our breath

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