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At first, Jimin was a bit hesitant but now he is so excited because now he has someone beside him.
Tomorrow is Their ceremony.
Suga told him to be relaxed .
He was all excited.
Jimin was eating some snacks while sitting on the couch watching some video in his mobile when Suga entered the room with a black bag in his hand.
He looked at Jimin who is innocently watching a video in his mobile.
"Hey my love ! " Suga lean forward to kiss Jimin's forehead.
"Jimin only smiled .
Then Suga gave that bag to Jimin .
" Umm here! Your previous laptop was broken so it's a new one . I know it didn't have your important files so if you need any help regarding study just let me know."
Jimin wasn't expecting something like that. He just hold that bag and said thanks while giving the most precious smile.
Suga was lost seeing his cute angelic face.
"Hey! Mr. Husband?.... HEY!!!"
Seeing Suga was still, Jimin tried to call him but he didn't respond so he yelled at last .
"Hm yeah ?" Suga soon came into his senses.
"Where are you lost ? Are you stressed about something? Is it about tomorrow's ceremony?"
Jimin was confused so he asked so many questions at a time .
"I am admiring Nature. Your face is just so perfect and your smile is as bright as sun." Suga said without blinking and then he realized that Jimin's mouth was opened by shock so he went forward towards couch and sit besides Jimin's place while picked up a nugget from the plate.
Jimin was standing with shock.
"Come......... Sit here ."
Suga said while try to grab Jimin's hand. But then he realized that Jimin doesn't like touching so he just said by words.
He wants to have some time to himself, Jimin and their relationship.
He knows that living and sharing his bedroom with his loved one while they are in a relationship but without having sexual tension is as difficult as swimming in a lava pool.
But he don't want to force Jimin . That's why he was waiting....
Waiting for Jimin to come to him.....
Waiting for his love.....
Waiting for his Confession......
Suga...... A person who never confess anything in Front of anyone.....
He confess everything in front of his love.....
He killed an egoist person within himself.....
He stop working with dangerous affairs.....
Just because Now .... He wants to live his life ....
Before Jimin came to his life, he was spending everyday as of life as usual, but now he wants to LIVE his life,with his Love .
  Jimin notice that Suga held out his hand but then before grabbing his hand, Suga held back his hand And picked up a Nugget.
Jimin don't know why , but it aches his heart .
At one moment he is sweet as honey but next moment he is as cold as an iceberg.
He let those things go and sit beside Suga .
He knows that Suga wants to talk to him So he just sat there and wait for him to speak up .
"Listen little chimmy! First , it'll not crowded as much as I expected.
I told Dad to shorten the guest list . So there'll be less people there.
Second, now the people are less so definitely they are all special and important guests.
So you have to be with me and have to do as I say ok! " Saying this suga turned and looked up into Jimin's eyes to confirm that he understands or not.
Jimin replied by blinking his eyes and nodding his head.
"Good! Third! If anyone ask you to have a drink or something else, no matter how sweet his way of talking is, just decline his offer with a sweet and strict tone . Is that clear ?"
Suga again asked if he understands.
Judging from Suga's expressions, Jimin quickly make it as a yes but actually he was confused with sweetness and strictness.
"Ok so that's great . Now you understand everything So I just wanna say that don't hesitate. Because you always have me .... (Vibration... Ring Ring)" both were interrupted by Suga's cell phone ringing.
" Sorry it's important,I'll come back !" seeing  his father's number on the screen, he quickly went out .
Suga said to Jimin that he'll come back so Jimin should get some rest because tomorrow is a tired day.
Morning 9 O Clock.
He couldn't fall asleep because Suga said he'll be there in time but he came home too late .
Both had breakfast made by Mr. Min
Yoongi a.k.a Suga .
When Jimin had breakfast , Suga told him that they both have to go to their personal Spa which is actually Suga's Dad idea .
Suga don't want to ruin Jimin's face so he told him that we can be there by 6 at evening.
"Wow so we have our day almost free. It's barely 11 yet .! " Jimin said maintaining his tone but little excitement broke it.
" No dear , I want you to come with me so we'll get our wedding photoshoot done by 6 .ok! And yes, our tuxedos of photoshoot are in changing room. "
Suga just ruined his mood . Jimin don't like to be recorded.
On the other hand Suga don't like people. He just spend his time .
"Hurry up!! we have to get ready ! "
Then he said energetically by clapping his hand . While seeing Suga so happy , Jimin quickly stand up and run to the room so he could ready fast .
Suga dialled a number and said " we're about to leave, be ready?" Then he hung up on call.
He went to his room upstairs.
He opened the door. Jimin was not in the room so definitely he is taking a shower.
Suga's room have a huge central area(which has bed and side tables), side couches (in one corner of the room), a changing room (which has all the cabinets and clothings) and a bathroom (inside the changing area).
He picked up his tuxedo and went to his office room.
There he got ready . He knows that Jimin is always late and took long showers, so he make a management for himself.
He was totally ready when he was sitting on the couch and waiting for Jimin to came out of the bathroom .
Meanwhile, door unlocking sound was Heard by him so he looked upward.
But he doesn't know that looking upward will froze him to death .
Jimin was wearing a bath gown which is not tied properly .

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