In The Silence, When Thereʼs No One By Your Side

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TOTAL Word Count: 11,909

“Iʼm in love with you.”

If anyone had told him mere weeks ago that Katsuki would be confessing his feelings to the half-and-half bastard instead of pointedly ignoring them like he usually did, the blond would have definitely throttled them. But this moment wasnʼt weeks or days ago, this was happening now. It was real and Katsuki wanted to throttle himself for it. He didnʼt regret saying the words, he never would for simply telling the truth as it was. But with how silent Shouto had been for the past thirty seconds, Katsuki was starting to think that maybe this wasnʼt such a great idea.

“Does that mean you want to go out with me? As boyfriends?”

Katsuki blinked.

He certainly wasnʼt expecting that. But whatever, heʼll take what he can get. So with the truth still clearly evident in his voice—he wasnʼt a fucking coward—and, hopefully his face, Katsuki answered, “I just wanted to get these feelings out of the way–”

“I donʼt mind.”

Katsuki blinked twice, “Huh?”

Shouto repeated in the same monotone he seemed to carry with him like a plague, “I donʼt mind.”

Katsuki scowled, “My feelings?”

Shouto sighed slightly—although how someone could sigh slightly was the question of the year, Katsuki didnʼt interrupt, “I donʼt mind going out with you.”

It was Katsukiʼs turn to become silent, though it was more a matter of not being able to find an answer rather than making the choice of not speaking. Shouto stared at him with his blank expression, full-of-depth two-colored eyes, and a thousand emotions swirling in them that Katsuki couldnʼt grasp before they faded away to be replaced with another. The blond gulped, swallowing down the giddy feeling that rose up inside of him and nodded with a barely visible smile.



It wasnʼt all sunshines or rainbows.

Especially since it involved the spikey blond haired known for his flaming (murder) anger issues, emotional constipation alongside an aversion to any sort of relationship that involved another human being, and the duo-haired man that couldnʼt read social cues half of the time, hadnʼt experienced emotions like others did for his whole life, was actively touch-starved and acted fairly like an old man. Katsuki wasnʼt expecting whatever this was when he confessed to having... feelings for IcyHot.

(He shuddered by simply remembering it.)

Shouto was awfully clingy for someone who, as far as Katsuki knew, hadnʼt experienced love for most of his childhood. It wasnʼt that Katsuki minded, exactly, (he actually sort of liked it), he just wasnʼt sure how to respond to the sudden touch that Shouto tried to initiate casually. The greetings every single time they saw each other werenʼt helping either. The blond acted as normal as he could, but nothing was fucking normal about this situation.

He was patiently waiting for Shouto to arrive at the back of the building, so Katsuki could get it done and over with. Whatever it was that Shouto wanted to discuss, Katsuki wouldʼve easily loved to talk about it inside but apparently, Shouto wanted privacy for this talk. Maybe he was already bored of Katsuki despite it barely being two days, and he was breaking up with him.

Katsuki ignored the weird tightening of his chest.

It wasnʼt like Shouto was probably serious about this relationship, anyways. He had never said anything about his own feelings, except that he wouldnʼt mind going out with Katsuki, whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean because it didnʼt let Katsuki know a whole lot about what exactly Shoutoʼs feelings were regarding this whole relationship and the confession. Cutting his floundering thoughts and pacing off, Shouto turned around the corner with silent footsteps.

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