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Fifteen, God is absolute

"Miracles do happen. Those who believe will receive salvation." Those words immediately stuck into the believers' skulls without a single doubt. There stood on the podium, Vox Akuma. "Devote everything to the lord."

You stood by, watching from a distance. You know the truth. You know everything about this man that everyone calls 'God's chosen'. Blind followers approach the offering box in packs, offering their life savings whether it would be food or money.

The black haired male approaches you in a graceful manner after his whole speech was over, "How was I?". You force a smile, "Splendid, God bless you." The male bows slightly with a small smile as gratitude.


You thought to yourself as you and the man, who is also your husband, walk together to your shared home. You knew the truth but you also knew, there are too many believers for you to expose this man. You'd be burnt as a traitor.

"Good morning, dear."

You look at the black haired man as you entered the church. He always arrives to the church before you even wake up.

"Good morning."

Your husband looks at you up and down, "Nice outfit." You chuckle as you look down at your clothings. You wore white gown and white scarf that could also work a veil. "Thank you."

The conversation came to an end as followers started entering the church. You slightly bowed to Vox as a good-luck and left the sight as he greets the believers.

The session came to an end. You walk back into the building and immediately was greeted by Vox which made you flinch in shock.

"You scared me."

"Sorry. Also where were you through the session, I couldn't see you anywhere."

"Oh it got a bit cold so I wore your jacket and prayed in a corner, gosh there are so many people."

"The weather is getting cold, hope we can get enough food for the winter. Anyways, let's head back for lunch."

Get. You slightly frowned when his back was facing you. The moment you realize everything is a lie, the lies will become transparent. Even this, you did slightly hope everything was true. The blessings, salvation, protection... the Lord. But the truth will only hit you hard in the back, this man is a liar. One that would even lie to their lover.

Why did he start this?

You could only imagine since you met him after this whole thing started... when you were a believer.

Days passed. Weeks passed. Until a month officially passed.

The pieces has finally connected. Today is the down fall of the idol.

They day another's misfortune is the taste of honey.
I know of no other human who has sipped more honey than he.

Vox stood in front of the big cross that hung at the front of the church, praying... or at least pretending to. He thought of the followers, and how he has realized they are acting different now. Almost as if they're losing faith. He read a letter the other day.

The fall of the Lord will come.
White Veil is ready.
We are ready.
Let us be free.

He heard the door open and footsteps come on but he paid no mind to it thinking it's his lover. He will be fine as long as he has his lover by his side, the only loyal believer he trusts.

"Our everything has been devoured."

That's not your voice.

"You trample on the misfortune of others."

He frowned and turned around, "What the hell are you saying? You rat bastard."

Before he knew it, a crowd of people rushed in. Some going for the cross in the back and others pinning him down. He didn't have time to react. He was pinned.

He came back to his senses, realizing he has been chained to the cross that once hung on the church which now stands in front of the podium.


Everything was brutal afterwards. Mad villagers letting their anger out, punching and kicking, fulfilling revenge.

"In the end... you reap what you sow, I suppose. (Name), where are you..."

A white figure stepped in front of him. The figure wore a long white gown with a white blanket-like veil over their head, their face unseen. White Veil.

His eyes were filled in anger but later widened in shock and despair.

The figure lifted the veil. You.

"I'm here, honey."

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