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Nine, God sees but he never saves

The church filled with believers. "Pray to the Lord!"

A female with white hair with blue streaks put her hands together, closing her eyes as she prayed with many others.

"What do you see?"

The female's eyes bursted open, seeing in the corner of her eye a figure that seemed to have a white blanket-like clothing over their head.


"Look at the man up the podium. What do you see?"

The white haired female hesitated but slightly looks up, examining the black haired male.

"Religious devotees are revolting, marching in packs. Whoever they are, they die marching in packs. The Lord, a laughing clown. See?"

The female's eyes widened. Witnessing the man smile looking down at the crowd, not a smile of love but a smile of a manipulator.

"It's ugly, isn't it?"

The female jerked her head up to look at the white figure next to her but only to witness a small peak of white clothing as they exited the building quietly. The follower silently gasps as she looked forward realizing she stopped praying but luckily everyone's heads have risen as a sign they have stopped.

The female started walking home after the church meeting was over. Then she stopped, rethinking of the event that took place in the building they called an altar of God's will. The female started running home, immediately setting off to push with a plan.


The one thing the female named Voxanne was losing. Every since a mysterious figure has pointed out the wrong of the 'divine messenger' and witnessing his slip-up. Things have been rushing through her mind as she started seeing behind the lies. Everything was so clear.

Voxanne, after the day's church meeting, approached an old follower. One of the most loyal followers due to them being a believer for years, or so the public would say.

"Excuse me, can I... talk with you?"

The male raised an eyebrow but later agreed. Following Voxanne as she invited him over for a cup of tea as they talk in private.

"So, Ms.Voxanne, what did you want to talk about?"

Voxanne gripped her cup, looking down at it anxiously. If this man, Ike Eveland, truly is the most loyal follower than... she'd be dead after. She'll be titled a traitor of God and exiled.

But, she was willing to take that risk.

Voxanne let out a deep breath, "Please just call me Voxanne. And it's about... the religion and your belief." Ike's body slightly froze but loosened up immediately, "What do you mean?"

"Do you really believe in Vox Akuma and the Lord?"


Just as Voxanne was trying to think of a long excuse of why she asked and that she is a believer to avoid getting exiled, Ike let out a small laugh. Voxanne looked at Ike in shock.

"I can't believe I'll be talking about this..."

Voxanne tilted her head.



"As someone who has been a follower for years and has attended every meeting without delay, I have started to realize. The Lord.. or well, Vox Akuma has started to change. His words are no more graceful, surely no one would notice but I can hear it... his words has shifted and his tone has changed. He has become more demanding."

"So... he is lying."

"Most likely."

"I see..."

"Why do you ask?"

"I just, started having assumptions."

"And what will you do with this information from me now?"

"I want to write it. I want to spread this truth to everyone. I want to free them from the grasp of a greedy, fake idol that everyone trusts."

"Not an easy thing."

"I know, but I'm sure... we'll find a way."

Time passed. Until the day came.

Voxanne stood in front of the church door, letting out a deep breathe and they slowly opened the door and walked in. Seeing the man who calls himself a 'divine messenger' standing, seemingly praying, to a cross hung on top.

(Name) was right, he did hang up a cross.

She rethought of everything he did. Everything he said. Anger flowed through her as she glared into the back of the madman in front of her.

"Our everything has been devoured."

The man's head visibly lifted.

"You trample on the misfortune of others."

Vox Akuma turned around with an angered look, "What the hell are you saying? You rat bastard."

Everyone who waited for this moment all rushed into the building. Pinning him still and getting the hung cross down. Soon, the man everyone now despises was chained to the cross.

In his last moments,
I honestly felt sympathy for him.
I heard that it was quite gruesome.

Voxanne walked out of the building with Ike. She watched as everyone else inside start to leave the building, including a very easy-to-see white figure.

The church set up in flames.

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