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-waking you up with breakfast almost every morning
-getting you extra snacks and sweets stored away for your period when it comes
-fitting dean to borrow the impala for date night
-giving you driving lessons on his free time
-kisses on the forehead are his favorite
-loves when you sit in his lap/always pulling onto his lap
-loves giving you head always takes up the chance to

Hiding his cuts from you so you don't freak out
"Why are wincing?" You asked stirring the macaroni in the pot. "Nothing I'm okay" you furrowed your brows looking as he rubbed his shoulder. "Sam what's wrong?" He shook his head "I just got a nick that's it" you furrowed your brows "a nick? Are you okay? What happened?"

Crying after an argument with you
"Sam?" You peeked your head into the room seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed. "Sam?" You said again stepping into the room
You heard a sniffle and instantly walked over to him. "Sam? What's wrong?" He sniffled again softly looking up at you "I yelled at you"

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