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Ashlar Chris Emanuel, son of a politician.

" I bet you he's going to be just like his dad."
" What's it like being the son of a politician?"

Two questions people always asked me. I hated when people interrogated me about my dad's job, I never answered them. When you grow up with a dad being one of the biggest faces the political world has ever seen, the community starts to get curious. They want to know every little thing that goes on in your life. People crave drama. People are stupid. Stupid not in the sense where they lack intelligence, but in a why do you care so much about other's life type of stupid.

I had a conference with my dad in Washington. Due to that, I missed the first two days of school. Washington is like my second home. I love being in Washington. I spent my summer there with my family and my girlfriend.

I met my girlfriend, Lola, in Washington. Lola is about five foot five. She has this beautiful hair that is a mix of red and brown. We have been dating for about three months now. She was born and raised in Washington. Her dad is an entrepreneur.

Since I was moving back to New York we decided to give long distance a shot in hopes it would work out. I am moving back to New York with my brother Alexander. Alexander is a senior this year. He's also Eleanor's ex-boyfriend. They dated for almost 2 years but broke up at the begging of last summer. It was a mutual feeling. Their relationship was almost a bit toxic. They are both very manipulative.

They're still good friends though. They just weren't right for each other.

At school, however, I'm not seen as the son of a politician, I'm seen as a Bully, which is true in a way. Josh and I always used to pick on Bertrand. We always made fun of him. But not this time. Two nights ago Josh called me at eleven PM. I answered him thinking that it was an emergency.

"Josh, what's up?" I inquire
" Look Ash, I don't want to keep on doing what we're going to Berty anymore. The kid doesn't deserve it. I don't want to be seen or remembered as someone that just bullies others. I just wanted to let you know." He said in response
"You called me at eleven PM to tell me that you're not a bully anymore. Fuck off josh." I replied angrily.

Josh called me again last night and told me that Bertrand was in the hospital. He also informed me that he was diagnosed with anorexia. I couldn't believe it. No one deserves to go through that. A feeling of guilt took over me. I knew in a way Josh's and my actions led to this.

That's when I knew I had to change. I knew that as soon as I land in New York I'm going to go visit Bertrand. It was the mature thing to do.
As we arrived at our house, I helped my brother unload the car and get everything in the house situated. I then spent roughly two hours unpacking my bags. As I was unpacking I kept thinking about what I was going to say to Bertrand. What words can I say that will show how sorry I am? I was so nervous to face him.

" Al, I have some errands I need to run. I'm taking the car" I inform my brother
" How long are you going for? I need it back by seven PM." My brother retorted.

It was three in the afternoon.
" Only a couple of hours. Maybe less." I respond as I get out of the front door.
The closer I got to the hospital the more apprehensive I got. I didn't know what seeing him for the first time in months would do to him. Would he be uncomfortable? Would that ruin everything for him?

I hoped that everything will go smoothly as I'm standing in front of his door. I stood there for what felt like an eternity before I knocked.
" Come in." He said

I opened the door and stood there as I try to read his face. I could tell that he was so dumbfounded. He just sat there looking at me.
He gave me this look, a glimpse that screamed scared. I quickly turn around, all I could think of is how stupid I was so stupid for thinking that we will be able to work it out. As I start making my way out of the door frame Bertrand demands me to come in. He said it in a tone that felt so heavy, so raw.
I turn around and make my way into the room. I had one chance to make things right. One wrong word will send everything I'm trying to achieve to the ground. I will demolish all my hopes.
" How are you?" I ask.

" not the best and not the worst. But I'm working on it." He replies.
" I'm glad to hear that." I replied.
I take a seat on the chair next to his bed. I push a little bit to the back just to keep enough space between us.

" Do you remember that one time in the sixth grade where we were in PE. We were playing on the monkey bar and you fell. You thought that you were going to die because the pain was so unbearable. You were hysterical at that moment." I confess.

" I even started to confess all of what I have done, how I was the one who ate the last slice of pizza and not Madison." We both started to giggle.

"Those were the days. I really enjoyed those days. The World felt carefree. We were just kids playing not knowing what the world held for us." I declare.
" I really enjoyed our friendship. It was easy. There wasn't a struggle. It just felt light." I add.

" It actually did. It did until you decided to backstab me in the sixth grade." He retorts. I could sense in his voice how hurt he was.
" Berty. I'm really sorry about that. Nothing could justify what I had done to you. How I betrayed you at that time. I didn't think at that time. I didn't know that I would lose you. Berty, at that time I was a kid. And even lately I've been childish, I've been so bad to you. I treated you like you didn't matter. I was scared that Josh and his friends would bully me too so I joined them.

And I know that that's not an excuse, and that nothing will justify my actions. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. You don't have to say anything. You don't even have to forgive me. I just wanted to let you know that I really feel ashamed for what I did. You're really special Berty. You really are. You're like the smartest person I know. You have this charisma to you, you own this charm that I don't know to explain it, it just feels different. Being around you feels different. The Air with you feels light. I'm really sorry Berty. I truly am." Saying all that out felt nice. Like you took weight off my shoulders.
He didn't say anything . We sat in silence. No one spoke a word. I was about to leave but Berty stopped me.
" Can you do me a favor?" he inquires.
" Sure. What do you want?" I retort.
" I want you to go to the Seven-Eleven across the streets and buy slushies for the both of us just like it used to be."
I nod my head in approval.

I walked out of the hospital, took a left, then a right before I arrived at the shop. I got us our childhood favorite. We used to get them everyday after school.

I got back into the room where he was waiting.
" You still remember my favorite mix." He inquires.
" how can I ever forget. Half Blue raspberry and half coke." I say in response
He takes his first sip and clears his throat.
" Ash, you really hurt me. Your actions, what you said to me really hurt me. You knew how hurtful it was to me. How it made me feel. At that time you knew me better than anyone.
But, nevertheless you still said them. I didn't know what made you switch on me like that. We were basically brothers. However, we are grown ups now, and for me to act like one, I forgive you. The past is in the past. We were both kids. And I feel like we really are good friends. We just have to make it work." He lets out.
" I'm ready to make it work only if you want to. Do you want to do that Berty? Do you want us to work through our past?" I inquire.

" It's the right thing to do. Let's give it a shot." He replies.
I lean in for a hug and I hug him so tightly I could feel him suffocate.
" it's nice to have you back." I confess. I did mean it. I was so joyous. I could tell he was too.

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