(Fo x Male!reader) A handsome human and a cute elf

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Fo's pov

Ah, just another day at work with my best friend, Sandra. I just got off the phone with Cinderella. Something about some missing glass slipper?

Anyways, time to go tell Sandra what I heard! I take a deep breath and say the magic words while I crawl into a mirror.


I landed in a place that looked like a bathroom, huh, i haven't landed in a bathroom ever since Sandra was watching that one talent show with her friend. Anyways...

I quickly look around the place trying to find Sandra. But instead, my eyes landed on a beautiful, handsome boy. Even though he looked like he had just crawled out of bed... he was so handsome...

Fo was blushing just at the pure sight of you. Your eyes, The way you looked so tired but so handsome. He just couldn't stop staring at you. The way your (H/C) hair was so messy and adorable. Even though Fo usually only blushed at the princesses in fairytales. He thought that you were the most handsome prince he had ever, EVER seen!

Was it possible that Fo was already in the land of fairy-tales? No... it couldn't have been. He had just left to go get Sandra. He was on earth.

He couldn't stop admiring how handsome you were, but while he kept blushing, he hasn't even realized that Sandra had walked in the room. She didn't even noticed Fo since he was so quietly blushing over you

"Oh, hey Y/N. I see you're already awake and getting ready for school?" Sandra said while she stretched and began putting on her coat.

Fo snapped out of his trance and began whispering Sandra's name. She looked over at him with a slight panic on her face.

"Oh! Uh-uhm, Y/N! Why not you uh, go in there for a little bit. I um, gotta get dressed." Sandra said while glancing at Fo, who was behind Y/N. "Oh, okay Sandra!" You said while grabbing your hairbrush and began making way outside the bathroom.

After Y/N left, Sandra sighed in relief and looked over at Fo, who was still blushing madly. "Fo? Are you okay? Your face is um, very red. And I mean that as in you look like a raspberry." Sandra said while chuckling a little bit

"Oh, Sandra! Who was that handsome young man?! He looked amazing!" Fo said before letting out a rather loudish wolf whistle.

"Fo, three things. One, could you PLEASE keep it down a notch? Two, that was a new guy at my school who I recently invited over to spend the night. And three, how long have you been admiring him for?" Sandra said with a slight panic in her voice.

"One, I'll try. Two, he's super handsome. And three, about 5 minutes" Fo said while still swooning and thinking about you. "Oh, cmon you gotta tell me his name!"

"His name is [Y/N], and it seems like you my good elf have gained a crush on a human whose not in a fairytale~" Sandra said in a slightly teasing tone

Fo stopped for a second and began thinking. He had never fallen for a boy before. Let alone a HUMAN boy! He couldn't stop thinking about you. The way you were so polite and kind and just amazing in Fo's eyes all around. You were perfect to him. Even though Fo had never even spoke to you.

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