ANNOUNCEMENT (oct 26, 2022)

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Hello! Small announcement! I know that most of the readers who read this, don't follow me so I'll just post it here!

I apologize for not updating as often! I've been having school and some stuff had been happening at school which is rather personal. But I'll try my best to update soon! I'm pretty sure that that next update will the 🍋 Emz X Male reader! I'm having alot of fun writing it, and I hope yall have fun reading it! It should have about like 2000 words! Also ty to my first request! Im honored! (You know who you are)

I hope someday to be like an average wattpad writer. So I hope I can get support! Please feel free to comment! I love reading the comments!

I think that's all for now! Cya yall!

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